Reeboot (the vees with a comic at the end)

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Vox entered their common area they all shared on the 23rd floor with important information in mind. Opening the door he saw Val brushing out half of velvette's  hair partitioning little bits off while the other half of her head was in tight box braids.

"Good your both here." He boasts walking up to them sitting on the automen. "I have to do a reboot today. We tweaked some inerworkimgs a-" he cuts himself off seeing the disinterested looks on their faces. "And I just came to tell you not to fuck this place up while I'm down. It should only be about 12 hours." He says looking at his watch. "Starting any minute now." He sits himself down on the couch gettting comfortable. The other two shrugged as vox closed his eyes.

Val took the end of a comb to vels hair beginning to makes a small inch by inch box at the bottom of her scalp partitioning that into three sections reaching for some extensions to braid into her hair.

They sit their silently for a bit till Vox's screen flashes a bright blue then to black his body falling limp against the couch.

Velvette gives a sinister smile to Valentino, "he's out like a light for the next few hours. What should we do to him?" She asks her beautiful English accent flowing around the room. 

""The fuck can we do. He can't fuck me like that there's no point." He rolls his eyes focusing on the braiding of vels hair.

"We could put some of these extensions on his head." Vel says lively grabbing the pink strands of synthetic hair.

"Could do that if you can hold fucking still." She stops shifting around in her criss crossed position letting Val work his magic on her hair. An hour later he's on the last one. Record timing for him, but he has a motivation.

"And done." He says pridefully looking at his work. Vel stands up twisting the new braids up into a bun waking to one of the many large mirrors.

"Looks fucking fabulous Val." He smirks at his work before looking at his lifeless fuck buddy.

"So should we start? I can get some glue." He suggests standing up stretching his lengthy legs out.

Velvette rushes over to the couch taking chunks of the extra extensions out and placing them on the coffee table.

Valentino takes place behind the couch opening the top on the glue bottle and dumping the contents on the bottom of the flat faced princes head. He brushes it around with a spoon he grabbed from his arts and crafts drawer. Vel passes some hair back. Valentino takes it folding it in half sticking it on the very bottom of his head. They continue placing the fake hair giggling a few times.

Val adds more glues as they make it farther and farther up his head and along the sides. Until the back of the tv is covered in fake pink follicles. They cut him some short bangs that hang over the front of the powered down screen laughing at how stupid his ass looks.

"How should we style it." Vel asks leaning over the couch looking at their work. Valentino let's his hands run through the hair a few times before coming to a decision.

"Leave it all flowy. It's nice like that." He lets his hands dance in the fake tendrils a few times before Vel comes up with another idea.

"Let's give his a piercing. How about a navel?" She suggests val raises a finger leaving for a few minutes before coming back with a kit of needles and other important piercing items.

She looks at him quizzically. He simply shrugs explaining. "Lots of my workers need fast and quick last minute piercings for shoots." Handing the case over to Vel she unbuttons Vox's dress shirt his dark navy stomach looking perfect for their plan.

She puts on some rubber gloves taking a marker and making a marking of where she's going to make the incision.

"We should Pearce his nipples after this. He'd never let me do that normally. There way to sensitive." She looks at Val in a way that tells him to shut the fuck up I'm concentrating. She takes the needle spinning the navel piercing onto the back. Placing the tip on the place she marked. She quickly pushes down the skin being torn through easily. Unscrewing the needle from the piercing once all the way through. and placing the end ball on the jewelry.

"My turn." Val says grabbing the needle switching places with her. "Which type a barbell?" He holds up a little straight price of metal with balls on either side. "Curved barbell?" He holds another up almost the same except given its curved. "Or a curved barbell with dangly bits?"

"Dangly bits for sure it'll piss him off the most." She says enthusiastically clapping her hands together. Val quickly gets the first one in with out marking the spot at all simply going in for it. Attaching the dangly bits to the pairing. He copies the same procedure for the other side.

They button Vox's shirt back up leaving the room letting the next 9 hours fly by.

They completely forget about what they had done to vox in that time planning outfits Vel should make and shoots Val should do.

That is until they hear the unforgettably loud voice scream their names leading them into a fit of snickers and giggle while vox yells at them for what they did to his head. He doesn't even know about the piercings.

"Look under your shirt Mr. Red face." Val snickers out. Vox's face turns confused while he unbuttoning his shirt revealing the dangling sulver jewelry hanging from his nips and the shimmering jewels in his belly button.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU TWO DO?!" He yells they stand up running off in their own giggling leaving vox in his rage induced screams as he looks at the mess that made of him in the mirror. An uncomfortable wave coming over him.

He had worked so hard to look less feminine yet they gave him hair and pierced his fucking nipples.

His hands run over his surgery scars before leading up to tear the hair that had been glued to the back of his monitor.

Made it a comic

~~~~~<Made it a comic

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