We're Over ( Lucifer )

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My hands tumble through the cabinets looking for Charlie's favorite items. Grabbing onto some chocolates and a can of soup. I throw a pot onto the stove turning the dial up dumping the cans chicken broth and other preservative ridden items. 

"Do you need my help honey." Her voice lifts the the air almost angelically. I shake my head side to side stirring the soup till it comes to a boil taking cut up chicken pieces dumping them in adding some of Charlie's favorite seasonings and extra salt popping egg noddles into the mixture letting it simmer with the glass lid on it. "I can take some of this up for you." She says looming over my her arms gagging loosely around my waist.

I turn around smiling with a bowl of soup in hand handing it to her. "Thank you Lilith." I give before opening my mouth again. "If she doesn't like it I can make Mac n cheese, or pasta with marinara, or-" she cuts me off putting a finger to my lips shhing me slowly.

"She's fine it's just a cold. She doesn't need a whole army's rations." She laugh echos across the walls ping ponging into my ears.

"Yeah I just, want to make sure she's doing okay." I say holding my shoulder.

"Relax take sometime and worry about yourself." She turns around walking away her hips swishing from side to side.

"Charlie I made you soup!" Her sing song tone bounces from Charlie's room back to me a dagger digging it's way into my heart. I smile trying to hold back the hurt.

I can't help, but feel, as if she's trying to discard me from Charlie's life. Like she's trying to Warsaw all the work I've done to make life for Charlie the best I can.

When Charlie was bored I made a whole amusement park for us to go to. Lilith said she gave the idea to me. I don't want to break the bond the two have. She's just trying to do her best just the same as I am, but it feels backhanded by trying to be her best it feels as though she's pushing me down the slide.

I turn the burner off the clicks echoing in the empty kitchen. I place back everything I had taken out. Walking up the stairs standing out of Charlie's room listening.

"Why is dad not doing anything?" I here her voice cut through. I push the door open ever so slightly. Lilith sitting upright beside Charlie who's head is proper up on a pillow a tray with the soup over her lap a pile of tissues next to her side. Her mothers hand trailing through her black dyed hair in a comforting way that she leans into.

"Oh I'm sure he's busy being him. He's worried probably." She flicks her hand as if trying to flick me from the conversation. "How are you feeling sweetie?" Hand tangling through her hair.

I click onto my heart feeling it tearing apart my insides filling with the blood.  I walk down the hall. "Lilith can you come over here?" I open the door to our room hearing the shuffling of feet.

"Yes dear?" She leans against the door frame arms frost over her usual purple dress.

"What am I doing wrong? You keep turning Charlie against me. Taking credit for the things I do?" I ask trying to keep quite. She pushes her shoulder off the frame taking the door in hand slowly shutting it.

"I don't know what your talking about darling." Her alluring voice rings I shake my head.

"You said you made the soup Lilith. You said I wasn't here caring about how she was doing." My voice growing with pigments of rage.

"Darling your going crazy I said you made the soup. And when did I tell her you weren't here?" She says reaching her hands out to grab on mine but I pull back walking to the window a tear streaking down my face.

"I really can't do this anymore Lilith. It's to fucking hard. I do everything in my power to make our girl happy, our girl." I clarify, "yet you make it seem like she's only your kid and you do everything for her and I'm a absent parent or some shit." My voice wavers as I turn around looking her in the eyes. "I love her just as much as you do." Her eyes are sweet and soft but behind them they show fear and hints of anger much like my own.

"What are you saying honey?" Her voice grows colder with each word.

"I'm saying-" I pause processing if I really want to do this if I really am going to say what I'm going to say and mean it. "I'm saying that we're over. You can stay here with Charlie I can visit sometimes, but I won't live here anymore, with you." I say proudly standing my ground.

"Is that so?" She asks I nod as she lifts her hand snapping her perfectly manicured fingers a purple mist flowing from the tips engulfing me.

It transports me outside of the house two luggage bags roughly dropped next to me. I look up to the window her face outlines in it a look of rage painted across her lips but still with soft doe like eyes I look down at my bags grabbing them in hand walking down the steps and away from out estate.

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