Happy birthday pt.2 (angel dust)

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My eyes shutter open everything a blur before it finally comes into focus. I'm back in my room with fat nuggets cuddled between my two arms. I press my hands to the bed sitting up.

"You're awake." Husk says flatly as a statement as if I don't know when I'm fucking awake or not.

I rub my eyes making a groaning sound as my head pounds. "Yeah? So fucking what? Also have you been just sitting here?" He shrugs like it's nothing so I swing my legs over the bed stretching my arms out. Looking down at the floor seeing my blazer has been haphazardly thrown atop a pile of clothes.

"We want to talk to you Angel, about this morning we'll be waiting in the lobby." He says flatly once again walking out of my room without another word. My heart tugs against my insides. What the fuck did I do?

I grab my blazer sniffing it the smell of the smoke I know to well embedded into it. I throw it back into the pile standing up to my closet throwing on a pink oversized t-shirt.

When I make it to the stairs I can see everyone sitting around on the couches. Vaggie and Charlie sharing one. Husk sitting on the couch facing the fire place, nift laying on the coffee table staring at the celling and Alastor sitting in his own respective chair seeming like he could care less. Some of the egg boys are playing around in the corner near the fire place.

I walk down the stairs nobody saying anything just the three people who look like the care for me, and two who don't watch as I make my way down. I want to make a joke say something to break this silence, but nothing is coming to mind it's just racing with whatever I could have done.

I wave at them sheepishly as I sit down on same couch that husk is seated on as far away as I can go.

"So?" I ask trying to put up a front that I'm not afraid even though they had already seen it drop while I was on the stairs. Charlie takes a deep breath vaggie rubbing her back. "What did someone fucking die?" I finnaly find a joke (sort of) to try and lighten the mood, though it doesn't help me much. Charlie's eyes pass over to the Pentious painting before looking back at me a sting in the guy as I had used the wrong choice of words.

"Angel," Charlie starts softly. "Can you tell us about last night?" She tries to keep her voice even but it wavers a few times.

"Um," my heart picks as I hold my arms close to me I take a breath. "What's to tell?" I say my voice quickly changing to its normal flirtatious tone.

"Stop with this bullshit Angel." Husk voice cuts through the awkward silence. His eyes digging into me with a dead serious expression.

"Fine I celebrated my birthday at the tower." I lean back slouching my legs spreading out forward.

"Why though?" Vaggies voice cuts through her rage boiling underneath.

"I don't know maybe because it was a party for my fucking birthday? And, maybe because those people actually remembered."

"Cut that shit you know they don't give two shits about you over there. They just wanted an excuse to get fucked out of their minds, much like you were." Husk faces me leaning over his elbows resting on his knees.

"Fuck, at least they remembered. That's what I fucking care about not their motives dip shit."  I sit up trying to defend myself.

"Why didn't you just tell us Angel. Obviously this is a big thing to you." Charlie asks me solemnly I roll my eyes.

"It isn't that fucking hard to figure out the date. If you shits opened your eyes beyond the hotel, or even opened your fucking phones, and checked any social media you would have seen. It wasn't a secret I thought it'd hit ya at some point."

"That shouldn't mean you go run around doing god knows what." Vaggie defends, "and saying whatever shit spills out of your mouth." She grabs Charlie's hands placing them in her lap her eyes darting away from me.

"Wait what the hell did I say?" Nifty runs off chasing a roach. I notice just now that at some point Alastor disappeared, and the egg boys jaws are hung in astonishment as this ordeal goes down.

"Well, you said some unkind things when you got back, and you where very out of it so it doesn't really matter." Charlie tries to calm Vaggie down.

"Ya know they say drunk people can only tell the truth, or what their truth is." Husk says taking a swig of his beer Charlie's face shocking open and Vaggies hands turning into fists.

"Then what the fuck did I say?" I ask desperately did I bitch about Valentino? My heart races with the amount of things I might have spilled about him.

"Um, Angel please sit down again." I listen as Charlie seatles herself taking a breath. "Bassicly you said unkind things about me, and the hotel. That I do it for my image to prove that I can?" She ends it in the question mark her voice getting higher and higher till it's just a squeak at the end. I take a breath of relief it's not great but better than anything about Val I could have spilled. "I just wanna know how long you've felt this way about everything here?"

I try to think as I'd never felt that way about Charlie or her operations here. I think back to the night the fun I had with people, and Val he was so kind, and he- "Well, I think Val did?" I admit, "he's a piece of work and doesn't like any of," I wave my arms around "This." They nod.

"Then why'd you say it kid?" Husk asks his hand placing softly on my knee. I feel warmth grow throughout me.

"I don't know, I was high, drunk, low, all of it I was every where." I say putting my hand to my head. "I'm sorry I-" cut off tears building within my eyes trying to keep it in. "Val has a persuasive way about him." I try to laugh wiping my tears off with my pointer finger. "Especially when I'm drunk. He just gets in you head in ways like an ear worm. I don't even know how to say it but, I don't think that." I try to quickly explain to no avail. They all nod, and no one says anything for a bit. Not until husk stands up, and leaves, so I do too going back to my room. A piece of cake waiting at the door.

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