Happy Birthday (Angel Dust)

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This is a long one so hold tight.

"You did great Angel really your making quick progress!" Charlie's always energetic voice  squeaking through the halls as I wave her off on my way to my room.

I had expected someone would know my birthday remember and tell everyone. I told them about a month ago when my birthday was, but no one had remembered.

I hug my arms around myself unbuttoning my blazer top sitting with my back against my bed fat nuggets waddling up to me climbing into my lap. "Hi buddy." I smile a tear rolling down my face. "I bet you remembered." I pull out a cupcake I had gotten for myself in case this exact thing came true.

I expected for it to just sit there maybe one day when I would have bad cravings I'd find it, and eat it. I grab a match from my box flicking it against the sand paper like texture a orange light illuminating both our faces.

I stab the bottom of the match into the cake holding fat nuggets away from the flame as I grab for a cigarette.

I place the end to the flame letting it catch lifting it up to my mouth inhaling letting the sad smoke trail through my body cradling every crevice of my lungs blowing the smoke out of my mouth at the match making a wish for someone to care about today. The room once again switches to black only slightly illuminated by the low lit pink lights hanging above my bed.

The cigarette hangs loosely in my hand as I lick the frosting from the cupcake slowly taking little bites out of the sponge. I swipe part of my untouched frosting onto my finger letting fat nuggets lick it off. I giggle at least he's happy about everything.

I take another puff placing the cupcake down fat nuggets jumping out to demolish it. I don't stop him my stomach already wheezing from whatever ingredients where placed in it.

I pick my phone up to scroll through the endless messages I had gotten. These people know it's my birthday. All they had to fucking do was look at any of my socials, and the would have seen the endless floods of happy birthday messages,the sweet and disgusting, to know what day it was.

A banner displays itself across my screen from Val. I almost swipe it away my finger moving it halfway up before my heart leaps telling me to look.

Valentino: happy birthday angie!

Three dots pop up before disappearing adding a new message.

I have a special present for you.

A image pops up one he had taken of himself tall and erect hand holding around the base. Though the gesture makes me gag he did remember what day it was. No one here did, not even husk and I thought we where doing well.

I can send the limo if you want?

I ponder a response knowing the dots on his side running over and over again. Typing then retyping a response to him till I decide what to say. A simple,


Fat nuggets nudges my hand looking at me his eyes filling with little twinkles. "It's fine nuggets. He won't do anything it's my birthday. At least he remembered." I say a snarky tone emanating through my voice his little feet scurrying under the bed. "No I'm sorry buddy come here." I grab his tummy carefully pulling him towards me holding him to my chest. "I'll be back in the morning I love you." I kiss him atop the head standing up my lower arms buttoning my blazer back up my others working on making my face presentable before I sneak through my door. The hallways dark only illuminated from the light coming from the lobby.

I hear whistles looking down the stairs I can see husk wiping down the bar throwing the rag over his shoulder. I crouch my way down the stairs staying against the wall till I've made it to the front doors. Slipping through waiting for the limos bright lights to roll across the hotel.

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