End of the night pt.3 (Angel Dust) (final part)

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I walk out of the restaurant my stomach feeling ever more empty. I had stopped for the bathroom my mouth now stained in the taste of slightly digested salad.

"You okay angel? I know that Val guy kinda threw you for a loop but..." husk trails off.

"Yeah, I'm good." I slur fixing up my hair he kindly places me into the car. "Are we going back to your place?" I ask my words morphing together.

"Uh, I guess we can." He replies closing the door on me. "Don't you have to call "Tina" or whoever it was?" He says using finger quotes once in the car.

I let out a giggle, "your a dumb ass sometimes." I slur out as he starts the car. He looks at me quizzically. "I don't hav to call anyone he reminded me to take ice." I turning my loopy body around to face him.


"Meth you dumb ass. I get cravings when I drink a shit ton of wine. Don't ask me why because I have no idea, but doing that would set back the point of my diet." He makes a right turn my badly flopping over the middle console my head hitting his shoulders.

"He makes you do meth?" His voice covered in judgement. He pulls the car over looking at me.

"No," I say "I was already doing it sometimes in high school." He nods. "He just supplies me with stuff sometimes." I say looking at him.

"So, your boss is also your drug dealer?" He prices together.

"Sure fucking is. What's the problem with it?"

He shakes his head. "I just hoped you'd be better off by now. You weren't much of a straight shooter-" a laugh escapes my mouth.

"If you saw me in the bedroom you'd see I'm a great at shooting straight." I giggle though the whole sentence. Husk stares at me unamused.

"Right..." he starts the car back up. "Let's get you to a bed."

"Oh please." I slur still laughing sitting up and slumping over to the window side.


His hand grabs my waist pulling me out of the car helping me stumble to the door of his house.

He sets me down on a bed letting me lay down i sprawl out across it while he leaves to get me a glass of water.

"Here" he hands me the glass of water and a plate with bread on it. I look up at him trying to price words together to refuse the food. "Eat it please Anthony."

At the name my eyes begin to fill with uncontrollable tears that rub down my face.

"Fuck." I say wiping my face sipping the water. I sit up onto my knees making my way over to him. I let my fingers play with his tie. "No one's called me Anthony in years." I say falling into his arms. He holds me arms slowly circling around my back.

I sit up a bit meeting his face slowly leaving in locking my lips in his. He doesn't move doesn't shove me away but he doesn't reciprocate the kiss. I pull back looking at him. He wipes his mouth off looking at me flat.


"Your drunk angel, and I don't think this is a good time." He brushes himself off turning away but I grab him by the wrist whipping him back around.

"Does that really matter." My finger lines his lips.

"Yes it does. You can't consent to anything in your state." I says defensively taking my hand off holding then in his hand.

I scoff "who cares, I do this for work already might as well have some fun for myself. Besides I'm sure you've been wanting to get this dress off of me."

"I care Angel I don't want to take advantage of you, and yes I have thought about how the night may have ended. I can't just do that to you." He says walking out to the door. "Good night Anthony."

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