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On other side

Rv and Neil both are discussing about marriage.

Rv - Let's discuss about marriage them.We both know we don't want to get marry,so what would we do.

Neil - Look my family already make their mind to get me married,if I say no now they will find someone else .

Rishabh - We both are in same boat,if I say no my family also find someone else for me.

Neil - I have an idea,Why don't we both get marry to each other.As we know each other since  last 10 years.Its better we both marry instead of marrying someone unknown person.

Rishabh - I like the idea,let's say yes for this marriage.

Then they both decide that they will say yes for this marriage, suddenly servent enter and say - Sir everyone is calling you both.

Neil - You go we are coming in a few minutes .

After a few more discussions Neil and Rv both go outside and everyone starts asking them questions.

Anika - What are your answers sons?

Rv and Neil - It's yes from our side.

Hearing this everyone gets and starts offering sweets to Rv and Neil.khanna ,Lutra and Khurana
hug and congratulate each other.

Anika  - Rakhi ji has some sweets.

Rakhi - You too.

Gauri and bhavya feed sweets to Anika.

Gauri - Congratulations di, finally we are getting a son in law.

Bhavya - Congratulations anikh di and shivaay bhaiya .

Anika,Bhavya,Gauri hug each other.

Anika (goes towards Rv and Neil) - Have some sweet sons. And congratulations know you are officially our family parts.

Risabbh - Thank you aunty.

Anika - Aunty ?? Call me mom now you are like our son so call me mom .

Shivaay - Yes Risabbh you are our son in law so call us mom and dad .

Shivaay and Anika hug Rishabh and Anika kisses on  Rv's forehead .

Neil (dramatically) - Now you all forget me he is getting all the love  and I get nothing.

Anika (pull his ear)-  You are getting jealous of your future husband.

Neil(dramatically) - Mom leave my ear it's hurting,dad look say something to your wife.

Shivaay - Anika leave him
Shivaay goes towards Neil and hug him.

Shivaay - Congrats my son.

Omkara and Rudra - Congrats my dear nephew.

Neil - Thanku you,you are the only one who love me.

Anika - Drama king.

Everyone laughs on this and they all are very happy.But there is someone who is not and he is non other than Karn.Seeing all this he is getting jealous .He left from there .

Karn(in mind)-How can you say yes Rishabh,how can you easily forget me,I will not leave you.You are only mine.Only mine.

Note - Rishabh and Rv are same person,Rv is rishabh nickname,sometimes I use Rishabh aur sometimes Rv ,so please don't get confuse.

That's all for today I hope you like it.

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