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Rishabh wakes up from the sound of phone.He groggily pick it up and answer the calls . It was his secretary calling ,informing him about some ongoing issue in their London office.

Secretary - Sir we get a problem in our London office .The team there is facing lot of problems.

Rishabh - Oh no ,what's going on.Tell me everything.

The secretary explained the details of the issue and Rishabh concern grew with each word passing.

Risbabh - That's sound series we can't just ignore this problem

Secretary- That's why I call you sir.I think it is important for you to present there in person to resolve this.

Rishabh - You are right,so book a London ticket right away.We cant afford to let this situation escalate.

Rishabh went downstairs to have breakfast with family.Grandmother notices seriousness on his face and asked.

Grandmother - What happen dear, you look worried.Is something bothering you.

Rishabh - Grandma I just received some news from London office . There are critical issue that need my immediate action.

Rakhi (mom) - Oh no .Do you have to go there??

Rishabh - Yes mom as a CEO it's my responsibility to be there to handle the  matter personal.

Sameer - Dont worry bhai.We will take care of everything here.You go and Handel things in London.We got your back .

Rakhi - Yes son Sameer is right.He will manage things here while you are away.You go and do what you need to do.

Rishabh fell a sense of relief knowing that his love one are here for him.He smiled great full at Sameer.

Rishabh - Thanku you Sameer . I don't know what to do without you

Everyone finished there breakfast and heads back to there rooms.Just then Karn stops Risabh and say.

Karn - Oh it's good that you are leaving . If you are here I m not able  to  spend time with my Preeta.Because of you now whole family is treating us differently.Now it good that you are leaving .
And leave from there.

Rishabh feel angry but he choose not to react and leave for the airport .

After few hours he reached London and rest in his hotel room thinking about the things  happening since last few months .
With a heavy heart Rishabh sit on his bed , feeling the heartbreak on his shoulders.He knew that healing will take time,but he is determined to find his happiness. He decide to completely focus on his company.

Thats all for today,I hope you like it.

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