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Its been 3 months since Rishabh's breakup with Karn,day by day he  is loosing himself.Its hurt Rishabh to see Preeta and Karn together.

The whole family is having their dinner together suddenly Karn interrupt them .

Karn - Guys I want to tell you something.

Rakhi(mom) - What is it son.

Karn - Actually mom I'm dating preeta,we both love each other .
He hold preeta hands .

All family members got shocked after hearing Karn because they knew that Karn and Rishabh are dating and they look towards Rishabh,but for their surprise Rishabh is sitting quietly.He don't say anything.

Mahesh (father) - But Karn you are dating Rishabh?

Karn - Yes father I was dating him but that was in past ,and we already brokeup .Now I love Preeta.

Preeta - Yes uncle Karn is right. we both love each other.

Rishabh pretend that he is not hurt but in reality he is very hurt and angry on himself because he still love Karn.He left from there and goes towards his room.

In Room

Rishabh sat on floor in his room,tears streaming down his face.The pain in his heart felt unreliable as he replay the memories of his love with karn . He couldn't understand how everything had fallen apart so quickly.

Rishabh - Why did he stop loving me (whispered to himself ,his voice trembling with sadness.) I give him everything .How could he do this to me.

He clutched on the photo of them together ,the image is now a painful reminder of what they had lost.The weight of betrayal and heartbreak weighted heavenly on his shoulders, making it hard to understand.

Rishabh - I trusted him with my deepest fear and hopes(he choked out his breath cracking with emotions).I thought we are soulmates,destined to be together but now I feel so alone.

Rishabh's mind is flooded with questions which have no answers.

Rishabh - Why he chose her over me and how can she do this with me I thought we all were friends.

Rishabh - I also deserve happiness I would not let this heart break define me. I will find the strenght to heal and rebuild my life.

With each year fall Rishabh vowed to himself that  he would rise above the pain and create a future filled with self happiness and self love.

Rishabh feel asleep on floor while crying.

That's all for today I hope you like it.

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