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Next day

Anika calls Rv and says, "Son, come home, I need to discuss something with you."

Rv - Ok mom I will be there in 1 hr.

Rv reached Khurana mansion.

Everyone is present at the mansion for discussion.
Rv greet everyone and go and sit near Neil.

Rv(whisper) - Why happened,why everyone is present here.

Neil - I don't know .

Shivaay  - Hello everyone,I called everyone here because I want to discuss something with you all.As we know Neil's birthday is coming up, on that day, I'm going to give him the king's throne, so it's important for everyone to be there.

Neil - But Dad, you're the king, I don't want to be king now and besides, it's my birthday, it's time."

Shivaay - No, son, you're getting engaged soon, and it's our kingdom's rule, so before your birthday, your engagement with Rv will happen, then on your birthday, you'll be made the next king. Now, it's your turn to manage this kingdom, and Rv, you'll support him."

Anika and all family members agrees with the same.

Now, they decide on the engagement date. Rv is very tensed. Neil and Rv both go to the study area.

Rv (says to himself)- I'm so worried, what will happen now?" and starts eating chips from a packet.

Neil tries to get Rv's attention, but Rv doesn't notice.

Neil - Rv Rv .

So,Neil quietly takes the packet of chips and starts eating. Rv notices his packet missing and looks other side and found Neil is eating his chips.

Rv - You always steal my snacks Neil ! Get your own!"

Neil laughed, holding up a bag of chips..

Neil - But yours taste better!"

Their playful argument turned into a mock wrestling match, with chips flying everywhere.

Rv grabbed a pillow, pretending it was a weapon and start beating neil with my pillow.Neil also grabbed the pillow from other side.

Neil - I'm not going to leave you now Rv.

Rishabh dodged the pillow, laughing uncontrollably.

Rv - You can't catch me.
( Start running,Neil also run after him)

In the chaos, they tripped and fell, landing on the couch with Neil on top of Rishabh. Their eyes met, and for a moment, the laughter faded, replaced by a strange tension.

Neil's face turned red as he realized their position.

Neil - "Um, sorry about that."

Rishabh chuckled, his cheeks also flushed. "

Rv - No worries.

Neil tries to get up but he again accidentally fall on Rv .Their eyes locked, their lips brushed against each other.

They both froze, eyes wide with surprise.

Neil quickly gets up, both their heartbeats racing. Neil apologizes after a moment

Neil - I- - I m sorry Rv (panick voice ) .

Rv looking away, says,

Rv - It's okay
Then hurriedly leaves from there. They both are still blushing.

Neil and RV keep remembering the kiss scene repeatedly.

That's all for today I hope you like it

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