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"After a few weeks

Rv is talking to Neil on the phone, and they are deciding on the date of their engagement.

After a while, Rv says goodbye to Neil and hangs up the call and  go outside. He is still distracted by the phone, so he accidentally collides with Karn.

Karn saw Neil name on Rishabh phone  and get super jealous and say

Karn - You talk to him too much don't you .

Rv - So, do you have any problem.

Karn - Yes I have why to talk to this Neil piel whatever his name.

This makes Rv angry, and he says,

Rv - His name is Neil, speak to him respectfully, and I can talk to him about anything. What is your problem ?What are you even doing here?'. Get lost.

Rv get very angry and decide to leave from there but Karn hold him hand very tightly.

Rv: Karn, let go of my hand.

Karn: No, I won't let go. Listen to me quietly.

Rv: No, let go of my hand, Karn.

Karn: No, I won't let go. Why do you have such a problem when I hold you hand ? You didn't have any problem when Neil did it. Why now?

Rv: It's not the same. There's no problem when Neil does it. Don't compare yourself to him. He's a great person, unlike you. You're just a cheater,abloody cheater and Neil he's my everything, soon to be my husband. He can holds my hand, and I have no problem with it. You shouldn't have a problem either.

And finally freed his hand from Karn grip and goes from there.

Karn gets very angry, hits his hand on the wall, and says,

Karn - You're making a big mistake, Rishabh. You're very brave now because of that prince. Just wait and watch .

On the other hand

Rv receives a message from Neil saying he's waiting downstairs at his house.

Rv and Neil are getting ready to go out. Rv is in a bad mood. Neil notices and parks the car aside, asking.

Neil - What's wrong, Rv?"

Rv - Nothing

Neil: "You know you can't hide anything from me. Tell me what's wrong."

Rv starts crying, and Neil panics, hugs him, and asks what happened.

Neil - What happen Rv tell me please,don't make me scared please tell me.

Rv tells him everything that happened that morning and expresses frustration about Karn constantly bothering him

Rv - What he want from me now ? Why can't he leave me alone Im really tired now.

Neil reassures him, saying he will handle Karn and asks Rv not to worry.

Neil - Don't worry Rv I will handle him,don't take tension ok.
Now please smile I don't like when you cry , please smile for me

Rv pass a smile to Neil.

Neil - Let's go to restaurant we will eat pizza okay

Rv - Pizza it's my favourite let's go .


They go to a restaurant and order pizza.

Neil ask Rv if he has moved on.

Neil - Rv I want to ask you something.

Rv - Okk ask ask

Neil - Do you move on from Karn
( He want to hear yes, because he really love Rv now )

Rv: "I have moved on, but he keeps bothering me. I really want to punch him."

Neil get super happy by listening to Rv but don't show .

Neil(in mind)- Thanks god now it's my change,now I will not let anyone come between us.

Neil - Listen Rv I have an idea we will put  Karn in a sack and beat him up.

Rv laugh on this

Rv - You are so funny .

Finally, Rv is happy, Neil drops him home, says good night, and heads back to his mansion.

That all for today I hope you like it

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