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After sometime Neil enters  Rishabh room he is talking on the phone and from the other side Neil is coming from the bathroom both don't see each other .

Neil and RV collide and Neil falls on top of RV. They lock eyes and feel something in their hearts.
Suddenly Neil phone rings ,both come to out from their lalala world.

Neil: Oops, sorry about that! Are you okay?

RV: Yeah, I'm fine. Watch where you're going next time!

Neil: Hey, you bumped into me!

RV: No way, you bumped into me, Neil!

Neil: You...

Just then, there's a knock on the door and the servant interrupts.

Servant: Sir, dinner is ready, please come.

RV: Okay, we're coming.

They both go to the dinner table, where everything was already set. Grandfather asks RV a question.

Grandfather (angrily): Why did you take so long time, Rishabh?

Rishabh:It's not my fault,I told Neil that we are getting late for dinner  but he doesn't listen.

Neil see him with shock face because again Rishabh is lying to grandfather.

Grandfather - Talk to Neil respectfully Rishabh,he is crown prince and your future husband.

Rishabh - Ok grandfather.

Rishabh wisper in Neil ear.

Neil : This old man he is really crazy.

The servant serves dinner for everyone, and gives Rishabh some bitter gourd. Rishabh makes a face at the bitter gourd.

Rishabh: Ugh, I don't like bitter gourd.

Grandfather - Don't talk and eat your food.

Rishabh took first bite and start making faces.

Rishabh - Eww it's disgusting.

Grandfather: Stop making faces, eat your food.

Rishabh made a sad pout start eating.

After 5 min grandfather complete him dinner and leave from their,Neil start laughing looking at Rishabh face.

Rishabh reluctantly eats the bitter gourd.

RV: Neil, why were you laughing

Neil starts laughing loudly now.

RV - Idiot.

RV takes food from Neil's plate and eats it. Seeing this, karn gets jealous .

Karn says - At home, you don't eat from anyone else's plate, why are you eating from his?"

Preeta - "Yes, Rishabh ji, Karn is right."

RV is about to say something, but Neil speaks up first. Neil also gets angry, but he controls himself .

Neil -  "Why can't he eat from my plate ? And what's your problem, my dear brother-in-law? We've been eating like this for 10 years."

Neil puts his hand on RV's shoulder and continues saying.

Neil - He not only take my food, but he also takes my money and I have no problem.

RV get offend .

Rishabh - Hey, when did I take your money?"

Neil - Just a week ago, you spent 2 crore."

RV  - That was for your gift.

Neil  - What for my gift ,wait a second that means the gift you gave me was of my own money."

RV nods his head in yes.

Neil - Wow, you give me gift of my money .Okay, never mind." Everything mine is yours babe .(flirtng)

Then Neil turns to Karn.

Neil - So, my dear brother-in-law, why can't we eat? First of all, he is my future husband, and second, we are best friends. So we can eat, I have no problem, and neither do you."

Karn(angry) - I'm not you brother in law.

Neil - You were,you are and you will always my brother in law.

Karn - I'm not.

Suddenly grandfather enter their and says.

Grandfather - You guys don't finish your dinner yet,eat quickly and go to backyard I arrange campfire you you all.

Neil - Ok grandfather.

All finishe their dinner and go backyard.

Rishabh and Neil both are sitting together,Karn and preeta and Sameer and shristi are sitting together.

Shristi - Neil sir how you and Rishabh ji meet ?

Neil smile hearing this and started to explain how they both meet .

That's all for today I hope you like it.

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