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After 1 week.

Its been one week since Rv is ignoring Neil,he is still shock after Neil confession.He don't know what to do and in the other side Neil is getting hurt .Neil family also notice the change in Neil behaviour.

Meeting room

BOD - That all for today meeting I hope you both like this plan

Both Rv and Neil agree with them.

Neil notice Rv is still ignoring him

Neil - Rv listen .

Then Rv do not listen and sit in his car and leave from there ,Neil get more hurt by this.

Rv ( in mind) - Do I also love him,why I'm getting hurt when I'm the one who is ignoring him,why this is hurting me.Did I love him,but I don't want to be hurt again like in past I thought karn is my life but he cheated on me what if he did the same .But he is my best friend he will not hurt me and I see sincerity in his eyes should I accept him Ah- ahh why this is happening to me.

Other side.

Neil is walking home from Rv office when suddenly a van screeches to a halt next to him. Two masked figures jump out, grab Neil, and pull him into the van before speeding away.

Neil (panicking) -  What's happening? Let me go!

Masked Figure 1 (in a disguised voice) -  Shut up and stay quiet if you want to stay safe.

Neil (trying to reason) -  You know who am I ?

Masked Figure 1 - We know who you are,and we also know about your finance do you want us to kidnap him also.

Neil(worried) - No no Please, don't so anything to him let me call my family. They'll give you whatever you want.

Masked Figure 2 (gruffly) - No calls. You're coming with us.

Meanwhile, at Neil's house, his family is in a tense discussion.

Anika (Neil's mom) - We can't keep this up much longer. Rv needs to confess his feelings to Neil.

Shivaay (Neil's dad) - We have to make sure they understand each other before it's too late.

Rudra - What if Rv misunderstood Neil and Neil gets hurt emotionally?

Anika - He won't. We'll end this before it goes too far.

Back at Rv's place, he receives a mysterious message with instructions to meet at the secluded location.

Rv (confused) - What's this about?Neil is he ok.

Rv try to call the kidnaper but they don't pick up after 5 min they call back Rv and ask  him to reach the location.

Rv is getting more worried he is really scared.He is realising his feelings for Neil.

Rv( in mind) - What if they do something to Neil,no no
Please neil be safe.
I can't live without you.

Upon reaching the location, Rv sees Neil there tieing on chair.

Neil is trying to stay calm.He see Rv is there .Rv run towards Neil and try to hug him suddenly they hear the gun shot Rv look behind and see 5 person are standing there with guns aimed towards Neil

Rv - No no please don't hurt him

Masked Figure - Why will we hurt him,we want you so we kidnap him.

Said and they aimed gun in Rv.

Neil (to the masked figures) - Please, whatever you want, I'll do it. Just let him go.

Masked Figure 1 (softening a bit) - We're not going to hurt you, Neil. This is just to make someone realize something important.

Neil (confused) - What do you mean?

Masked Figure 2 - You'll find out soon enough.

Neil (nervously) - What do you mean??

Masked Figure 1 (removing their blindfold) - Surprise!

Neil (recognizing his family): -
Mom? Dad? Chachu,Chachi ? Why you kidnap me.

Bhavya - We want Rv to confess his feelings to you that why

They start explaining them ,and Rv is getting angry hearing them he misunderstood Neil and  start shouting on Neil .

Rv (angrily) -  Why did you do this, Neil? Did you plan all of this with your family to force me to confess?

Neil (shocked) -  No, Rv, I didn't plan any of this! I had no idea they were going to do something like this.

Rv (frustrated) -  Stop lying! I can't believe you would go to such lengths just to make me confess!

Neil (pleading) -  Rv, please listen to me. I didn't know anything about this. My family did this on their own.

Rv (increasingly upset) -  Don't play innocent with me, Neil! I trusted you, and now I feel like a fool!

Neil (desperate) - Rv, I swear on our friendship, I didn't know!

Rv (raising his voice) -  How can I believe you? You're always keeping secrets.

Neil (trying to reason) - I didn't keep any secrets about this! I was as surprised as you are.

Rv (almost shouting) - I can't believe I fell for it! Your family and you , all in on this, weren't you all?

Neil (frantically) - No, Rv, please believe me! They just wanted us to talk openly about our feelings and I don't have any idea about this.

Rv (angrily pacing) - This is ridiculous! I won't be manipulated like this.

Neil (pleading) - Rv, calm down. Let's talk this out.

Rv (angrily) - I won't listen to you. I will never talk to you again. What you did to me, I will not forgive you, Neil. I hate you.

Neil (hurt)- Okay, if you don't want to believe me, then don't. But this is the truth. It's up to you now.

Rv, visibly upset, walks away while Neil, also on the verge of tears, feels heartbroken.

Neil (heartbroken) - Fine, Rv. If that's what you want to believe, then so be it. But it hurts to see you think so badly of me. I thought our friendship meant more than this.

Rv continues to walk away, tears streaming down his face, and Neil too, he starts crying feeling like Rv has misunderstood him.

Anika (tearfully):- Neil, we did this because we want Rv to confess his feelings for you.

Neil (shocked) - What? But why?

Shivaay:- Because we can see how much you both care for each other, but you both are too hesitant to admit it.

Omkara- We thought a little drama might help things along.

Neil (smiling)-  You guys went through all this for us?

Shivay - Yes and we are sorry son,Rv misunderstood you because of us.

Neil - It's ok papa.If he think I'm wrong here it's okay .From now on I will keep distance from him as he say and we will also cancel the engagement if he want to.I don't want him to feel stuck in this .I will leave him alone now.

Neil start crying and go from there.His family look towards him with tear.

Anika - Now it's up to Rv to make things right.

What will happen to Neil and Rv relationship now please tell me in comments.

That's all for today.
I hope you like the chapter

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