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Neil talk to that person and after few minutes he hang up  the call.

RV - What did your grandfather say?"

Neil-  Grandfather was asking why you're not picking up the phone and he wants you to come to the mansion now.

RV: No, I don't want to go to his house. That old man will eat me alive.

Neil: RV, please speak respectfully. He's my grandfather.

RV: Yeah, he's your grandfather, that's why he doesn't say anything to you if he see me he will eat me alive and suck all my blood.

Shrishti: Who is that person Rishabh ji?

RV: Just understand that he's an old man who wants to eat me alive.

Neil: RV, again with the old man?

RV: Whatever ,I'm not going, you guys go and take these four people with you.

Rv - Sameer you guys are going on the weekend , so go with Neil. His grandfather will also be happy.

Neil: You are coming Rv and this is confirm understand.

Neil turns the car towards the mansion and Neil asks Karn and Sameer.

Neil - Are you guys okay with this? If you stay with us for two days.

Karn ( looks at  RV and says) - Yes, there's no problem I'll enjoy with Preeta too."

Now, everyone is heading towards the mansion. Neil receives a call from Shivaay while driving, so RV picks up the call.

RV: Yes, Dad, what's up?

Shivaay: Rv son listen you guys need to go to Uncle's mansion. He wants to discuss something with both of you.

Neil and RV agree .

Rv - Okay. (But in reality, RV is very scared because Neil's uncle always scold him.)

Everyone reaches the mansion, but RV is not getting out of the car

RV: Neil, I'm scared. I won't go ,you all go,he will eat me alive.

Neil: Oh come on, RV, nothing will happen. Just come out in the car.

RV: No, buddy, I won't step outside. That old man will eat me alive.

Neil: RV, don't be so scared. I'm here, nothing will happen.

Neil goes towards Rishabh seat ,open the door and removes his seatbelt,Neil and Rv face are so close,Rv can feel Neil breath.

Neil holds RV's face and says
-Nothing will happen, RV. I'm here."
He kisses his forehead. RV blushes and feels something in his heart.

Karn fell jealous after seeing this scene, tightly holds Preeta's hand

Preeta - Karn, let go of my hand you're hurting me.

Karn - Sorry, I didn't realize.

Now Neil takes RV out of the car,hold his hand and leads him inside the mansion. The door opens and servent open the door.

Servent - Welcome sir.

Neil - Where grandfather.

Someone -I'm here son.

All look towards the side where the voice come from there  an old man looking very strict comes in. Neil and RV touch his feet . Grandfather hug them both and the scolds Rishsbh .

Grandfather (in a strict voice) - Risgabh why didn't you answer my call?"

RV ( in mind) - You are not my bf ,why I answer you call ,you are

Rv - Grandfather I was in a meeting and my phone was on silent that's why I can't attend your call .

Neil looks towards Rishsbh because he knows Rishabh is lying, Risabh notices his glare so he light kicks him in the leg.

Neil - Ouch.

Grandfather - What happen son.

Neil - Nothing nothing.

Grandfather - Ok and Rishabh come into my study room I want to talk to you.

Rv makes faces and follows grandfather,Neil also follows them but grandfather stops them saying he only want to talk to Rv .

In Study Room

Grandfather - Rishabh do you learn all the rules.

Rv (scared ) - Yes grandfather.

Grandfather (strictly ) -Good ,you know if very important you have to remember all the rules,you are going to be a part of the royal family.so learn all the rules , follow them properly and I don't want a single mistake .

Rishabh- Ok grandfather.

Grandfather - Now go and rest.

Rishabh leaves the room and goes where others are

Neil - What did grandfather say.

Rishabh - He is lecturing me and he also says you are an idiot.

Neil - Really he says I'm an idiot.

Rishabh - Yes he really said this ,you think I'm lying.( making an innocent face)

Grandfather follows Rishabh and says - You're still here, why are you not resting yet.Go to your rooms.

Rishabh- Okay we are going.

He holds Neil's hand and takes him away because he lied to Neil that grandfather called him an idiot. If Neil asks grandfather about it, he'll get scolded.

Now everyone goes to rest.


Tej khurrana
Grandfather of Neil
Omkara,Rudra's father.
Strict nature.

That's all for today I hope you  all like this chapter.

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