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After 1 months Rishabh is coming back from London.He is looking very hot and people are memories by his handsomness.Lot of media is present at the airport asking him questions.
After half hr he reached home,the whole family welcome him.

Sameer - Brother is everything fine now in a London company.

Rishabh - Yes,Sameer , everything is fine now.No need to worry.

Rakshi - Hey you two talk about business later,now eat something and take rest ,you must be tired na.

Later that night

Everyone is sitting together in the living area and suddenly Karn says - I want to get married to Preeta.

Rakhi(mom) says - No,no one will get married in this house until Rishabh gets married because he is the eldest child.

Rishabh- Sorry to say but I don't want to get marry now.
And go towards his room.

Karn follows him and forcefully grabs his hand say - Why do you keep refusing? Do you still love me.I already move on why can't you move on Risabh,.Even because of you Preeta can't stay with me properly.Let me go Rishabh and leave us alone.

Rishabh (angry and hurt) - You are a terrible person Karn.I never thought you could be so mean.As for moving on I already done that long time ago.Now leave me and get out.

Karn(angry) - You think you can just move on? You are making a big mistake Rishabh.You will regret this.

Rishabh - I wouldn't regret anything .You have shown your true colours and I deserve better than this.Now leave!

Karn - Why are you so stubborn Risabh .You should understand what you have lost.

Rishabh - I haven't loose anything.Im happy now that we break up,I don't want any relationship with someone like you.Now get lost.

Karn angrily storms out from the room and Rishabh closes the door, crying thinking why can't he move on. Rishabh convinces himself that enough is enough and he will move on now.

A day later Raksi tells him that there is a proposal comes for him and they want you to be their son in law.

Rakhi - Son these are few photos of people who want to get marry to you select any one.We will fix the dates of meeting.

Rishabh ( without looking) - This one is ok aunty .(And goes from there.)

Days turn into weeks,Rishabh focuses on his work and try to move on from painful time .

Today he come later from his office .

Rakhi -Oh Son you are back , go change and have you dinner. Then come to my room I want to discuss something with you.

After having dinner Rishabh goes to his aunty's room.

Rishabh - What you want to discuss with me mom.

Raksi - Son I told you about the marriage proposal right.

Rishabh - Yes.

Rakhi - Do they are coming tomorrow and want to meet you ,so please get ready on time and wear something nice .

Rishabh- Ok mom I will meet the.

What turn will Rishabh's fate take? Will he say yes for marriage.Will Karn let this happen or will someone else make Rishabh their and love him unconditionaly.

Share your thoughts.

So that's all for today I hope you like it.

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