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Neil - So that's how I meet this idiot.

Rv - You are idiot.

Shristi - Neil sir you are so sweet ,you give Rishabh h ji nickname .

Neil - Thanks shrishti.

Rishabh start laughing and said.

Rishabh - He is not sweet,he is very bad ,he irritate every one in college and he irritate me the most

Neil - He is lying.Dont lie Rv.

Rishabh - I'm not lying ,you know shristi he put chewing gum in maths lecture hair.

Neil - And you put fake lizard in history teacher bag

Sameer - Brother we don't know about this.You do these naughty things in college.

Neil - Ask me I will tell you everything.

Rishabh put his hand on Neil mouth Stop him to say further.

Rishabh - Don't believe him he is lying.

Neil - I'm not lying,you are like this since childhood.

After seeing them both Karn get super jealous and he look towards Rishsbh and Neil with fire eyes.

Karn (jealousy) - Wow, nice you already know a lot about him.

Neil stare at Rishabh and look towards Karn and told him with same attitude.

Neil - Yes,I know a lot .We are together since childhood and he is my soon to be husband so I know him very will brother in law.( Looking towards Rv and winks towards him).

Rv lightly slaps on Neil leg.

Neil - Now you know our story,tell me yours .

Preeta - We will tell you our story also .

Karn glares towards Rv but he doesn't give any reaction.

Neil asked servent to make hot chocolate for them. Rv gets happy as soon as he hears the name hot chocolate.

Now Sameer and Shristi are telling  their love story, and Rv is getting sleepy, so he rests his head on my shoulder and falls asleep. Neil smile at Rishabh and kiss his forehead. After few minutes a servent bring hot chocolate for them.

Sameer says - Neil sir, you really like Rishabh, don't you?

Neil - Don't call me sir,you can call me Bhai like you call Rv .

Neil don't answer Sameer's question he just smile.

After a while, the servant brings hot chocolate and serves everyone.

Rishabh  is still alseep. Neil is trying to wake Rv up, but he doesn't wake up.

Rishabh - Rv, wake up, have some hot chocolate, then go back to sleep."

Rv ,(wakes up and says) - "I hate you, Neil, you don't let me sleep.( make pout)

Neil - I love you too babe , now get up and have the hot chocolate.( Playfully)

Rv takes  hot chocolate glass from him he looks at the other side ,he sees everyone looking towards him,he gets embarrassed so he drink his hot chocolate and leaves from there.

Now everyone is asleep, Neil is not able to sleep, so he goes to Rv's room. Rv is sleeping, he is looking very cute. Neil sits beside him and smiles.

Neil -  Rv, you are so cute, you know I love you so much. From the staring, but last time you said you like Karn, so I didn't do anything. But now I will not let's anyone steal you from me ,you are mine and I love you .

He gently strokes Rv's cheeks. Now he lies down beside Rv. Rv is also in deep sleep, he hugs Neil. Neil's heart beats faster, he smiles, kisses Rv's forehead, and hugs him tightly, then falls asleep.

Now it's morning, everyone is ready to have breakfast, but Rv and Neil are still cuddling and sleeping.
Grandfather asks the servant about Rv and Neil.

Grandfather - Where Rv and Neil??

Servent - Rishabh sir and Neil sir both are is in there rooms.

The servant goes to Rishabh's room, knocks, and Neil wakes up due to knockong noise and see that Rv is still cuddling him. He gently removes Rv's arm, opens the door, and the see servant there

Neil - What happen.

Servent -  Grandmaster is calling you and Rishabh sir for breakfast, please come.

Neil - We are coming in 15 mins .

Neil close the door , goes to Rv and tries to wake him up.

Rv  - Let me sleep for 5 more minutes, Neil.

Neil -  Wake up Rv .

Rv - I don't want to,let me sleep.

Neil - If you don't wake up, I will tickle you and kiss you.

He start tickling Rv .Rv quickly gets up.

Rv - Stop Stop I'm up.

Neil - Good.

Rv - What are you doing?

Neil - Tickling you (start laughing) .

Rv - You can wake me up normally , who tickles and gives a kissing threat?"

Neil - I do all that.

Rv - Idiot.What were you doing in my room early in the morning? Don't tell me you slept there at night.

Neil - I was scared to sleep alone , I come here and found you sleep so I also slept here ( making innocent face).

Rv - Don't make pout,you don't look good.

Neil - Whatever now get up uncle is calling us for breakfast.

Rv and Neil both get ready
and goes for breakfast.

Grandfather - You guys are again later ,don't you remember the rule . Rishabh did you forget our rule.

Rv - No no grandpa I remember all the rule,it's was Neil fault .I'm late because of him ( again lying).

Neil - Sorry grandfather it will not happen again .

Both sit for breakfast and start having there food.

Now everyone have their breakfast and left for their homes .

That's all for today I hope you like it .

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