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Both families are very happy and they decide that engagement will happen after 5 months.

Today Neil and Rv are going to the palace because Shivaay called them to discuss something.Everyone welcomes Rv.

Anika - Rv son how are you?

Rv - I'm fine mom,what about you??

Anika - I'm also fine.Come with me I make food for you . Neil you too eat first .

Both Rv and Neil goes towards Shivaay's study area.

In Shivaay's study area.

Shivay : Take this book and read it. It contains all the rules that you need to follow. You are the future crown prince constant so you need to have a good imagination in front of everyone.

Shivay leaves after giving the rule book ,Rv open the book and read the first page,he gets shocked after seeing the rule.

RV: Who makes such a rule of not eating junk food? I can't live without junk food. Waking up early in the morning and not eating, I can't follow that.

Neil: Now that we are getting married, you have to follow.

RV: No no I will not follow these stupid rules

Neil: Don't worry, I'm here.

RV: You are the biggest source of tension.

Neil: What did you say?

RV: Nothing, nothing.(make face)

Neil: Come on, don't make a face. I'll give you pizza party.

RV: Pizza !! Let's go.
Rv leave the room.

Neil (in mind) - Wow.After hearing pizza he forget me .

At pizza parlour.

Neil and Rv are sitting in pizza parlour .Rv is busy on his phone.Neil eats Rv's pizza secretly.After few minutes Rv hang up the photo and see his pizza is gone.He looks towards Neil who is eating his pizza.Now
Rv gets angry firstly with those stupid rules and now Neil is eating his pizza.
He looks towards Neil and says.

Rv: "Hey Neil, you ate my pizza? Do you know what the value of pizza for me.

Neil: "Oh Rv, you were busy on the phone and not eating and  I was hungry so I ate it.

Rv - Mr Crown prince is a thief.

Neil - I'm not a thief,I was hungry so I ate your pizza.

Rv: "If you were hungry, you should have asked, buddy! It's a bad manner.

Neil: Bad manners? Nothing applies when there's pizza in front of you, you just enjoy it!"

Rv: "Neil, I challenge you to a pizza duel! The winner gets the last slice!"

Neil: "Challenge accepted, Rv! You don't know, I've given special training to my taste buds!"

Rv: "Get ready, Neil! You don't know, my pizza eating skills are unbeatable!"

Neil: "We'll see, Rv! My taste buds are ready for the ultimate pizza showdown!"

Rv: The battle begins now! Let the pizza gods decide who will win!

Neil: Ok let's start the battle.

Both Neil and Rv start the pizza battle ,in last Rv wins the battle.He eats 4 pizzas,Neil only eats 3 pizzas.

Rv - I told you I will win.You are a loser.Neil is a loser  (Teasing him).

Neil - Ok ok fine you win.Lets go home now.

That's all for today I hope you like it.

That's all for today I hope you like it

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Palace of Mewar

Do you enjoy the pizza challenge,let me know in the comments.

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