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A few days later

Anika calls RV and ask him to come Khurrana Mansion and explains the entire plan to him.

Anika: Don't misunderstand Neil, beta. He doesn't know this is our plan. He loves you deeply since college but never told you because he wants to see if you'll reciprocate naturally. Your happiness is his priority.For him your happiness is his happiness.

RV is shocked to hear that Neil loves him but has never expressed it.

RV: Mom, I'm really sorry. I didn't know about all this.

Anika reassures RV that it's not his fault.

Anika: It's okay, beta. You didn't know but trust me Neil loves you deeply.

RV: But what if he leaves? I can't live without him.

Anika: Tell me, RV, do you love Neil?

RV - I don't know if I love him or not but I feel good when he's around I feel lucky, happy, and hurt when he's not with me.

Anika smiles and explains that these feelings indicate love.

Anika - This felling is called love.You also love him son .

RV realizes his mistake and feels guilty for hurting Neil.

RV - What's the use, Mom? Neil won't accept me now. I hurt him badly.

Anika encourages RV to talk to Neil and confess his love, reassuring him that Neil won't hate him.

Anika - Try to talk to him,tell him you love him .Don't lose hope this quickly,talk to him and shot out everything remember we all are with you .

Rv - Ok mom I will talk to him and tell him about my feelings.

Anika - Make to quick I want to see my son in law happy with my son.

Rv blush on this

Rv - Ok mom .

After 2 weeks

Rv try to talk to Neil ,but everytime Neil ignore him and don't even look towards Rv.

Neil think he lost Rv now in the other hand Rv us also getting hurt.

Today they have a new together.

During a meeting, Neil ignores RV completely.

After 1 hr meeting end and everyone leave from there except Rv and Neil .

Rv - Neil.

But Neil don say anything and start to walk towards door

RV: Neil, please talk to me.

Neil nods, and they go to RV's cabin.

In cabin

RV: Why are you ignoring me?

Neil - I'm not ignoring anyone.

Rv - Then why are you not talking to me.

Neil: You said you hate me and say you don't to talk to me , so I am talking to you .

RV tears up, hearing Neil asking if Neil truly loves him.

Rv - Do you really love me Neil?

Neil: Yes, I do, but I know you don't love me so let's leave this topic here and let's cancel our engagement when you don't trust me, and you don't love me back.
There is no use of engagement.

Neil start to leave from there but Rv hold his hand ,Neil turn towards Rv and see he is crying.

RV: Who say I don't love you I love you, Neil. I was scared of getting hurt again, but now I realize my feelings.And I thought you are also playing with my feelings when I got to know that you family kidnap you,I thought that was you plan,I m so sorry but I really love you Neil

Neil is shocked after hearing Rv Rv call Neil but he don't answer so he lightly hit Neil .

Rv - Say something.

Neil comeout from shock.

Neil - Do you really love me Rv

Rv - Yes I love you Neil.At first i don't realise my feelings for you but now I know I love you

Neil hug Rv tightly and Rv also return the hug.

Neil: Thank you so much Rv for accepting my love. I love you .

RV playfully hits Neil's head

Rv - I love you, idiot.And if you want to say thanks say thanks to you mom she is the one who make me realise my feelings for you .

Neil - You meet my mom?When?

Rv - Week ago.

Neil again in shock , so RV lightly slaps him

Rv -  What's wrong.

Neil hugs RV tightly, expressing his happiness.

Neil - Nothing.Finally, I found my love.

Neil hug Rv tightly after few minutes he realise Rv.Both are looking at each other with so much love .

Neil - Rv.

Rv - Yes.

Neil - Can I kiss you?

Rv blush on this and nooded gus head.

Neil smile and grab his chicks and look at his lips.They got close and close to each other there lips are about to meet but there is a sudden knock on ther door.

Neil (irritataly) - Who's the enemy of my love life ?

RV laughs, and Neil's manager enters, asking to leave.

Manager - We are getting late sir.

Neil - You go ,I will come later.

Manager - Ok sirr
Manager leave from there.

Neil again close the gap between them and about to kiss Rv but Rv put his hand on his mouth and start to laugh  Neil look at him with done face .This time Neil hold Rv gand tightly.

With a gentle touch, Neil traced his fingers along Rv's jawline, sending a wave of electricity through both of them. Rv's breath hitched, anticipation coursing through his veins as Neil leaned in, his lips brushing against Rv's in a tantalizingly slow manner.

Their kiss started softly, a tentative exploration of each other's lips, but soon ignited into a blaze of passion. Neil's hands found their way to Rv's waist, pulling him closer as their mouths moved in perfect harmony.

Their kiss deepened, becoming more urgent and fervent with each passing moment. Neil's fingers tangled in Rv's hair, pulling him impossibly closer as if trying to merge their souls through the intensity of their kiss.

The world around them ceased to exist as they lost themselves in each other, their bodies pressed together in a fiery embrace. Every touch, every sensation, spoke of the longing they had kept hidden for so long, now unleashed in a torrent of passion.

After few minutes Neil reakse Rv,Rv looks towards Neil and start to blush he hide his face and hug Neil tightly.Neil also return the hug and kiss on his forehead.

Neil - I love you Rv.

Rv - I love you too.

Finally after 500000 years they are together.

That all for today I hope you like it's.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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