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Next day

"There's a lot of excitement at Lutra Mansion today because there's a proposal for a Rishabh and guests are already arrived .The guests have arrived and lutra and Khanna family welcome them .They are sitting in living area and talking to elders.

Rishabh is getting ready in his room while everyone is waiting for him downstairs.

They start talking and just then, Mahesh says, 'Go and call Rishabh .'

Rakshi goes to call Rishabh room and she says, '-Wow, you're looking handsome , my dear. May no evil eye fall upon you.
Come quickly, the prospective groom family is here and they are calling for you.'

Rushabh says, 'You go ahead, I'll be there in a moment.'

Rakshi goes and everyone is eagerly waiting. Rishabh looks into the living room and see seven people sitting there.

Mahesh says, 'Look, Rishabh is here .

Grandma - Come, Rishabh, sit here.'

Everyone turns around and Rishabh and another person are shocked and can't take their eyes off each other.

The other person stands up and tightly hugs Rishabh.

The new person

Neil khurana
Age 23 year old
Crown prince,next King of Udaipur.
Rishabh best friend
Call Rishabh by nickname Rv.

Rishabh hugs back and says, 'Neil, it's you.'

Neil - How are you Rishabh it's been 2 years since we last met I miss you so much.

Rishabh says, 'I missed you too.

Neil says, 'If you missed me, then why didn't you call me?'

Rishabh says, 'Oops, I forgot.'

Neil dramatically says - Yeah you forgot now why will you remember me I'm not one to you .

Rishabh (lightly slap on his shoulders) - Shut up you drama king.

Neil - I'm prince,you know

Rishabh - Ofcourse I know, crown prince of Mawer aur I say the next king.

Neil - Neil is ok .

Rishabh - By the way what are you doing here Mr Highness

Neil - I'm here for marriage. What about you .

Rishabh - It's my house.

Neil -So that mean we are going to marry .I'm so happy I will die(teasing)

Rishabh - Shutup you idiot.

Everyone is shocked to see them because both family say there funny side first time.

Neil'mom asks, 'Rishabh you guys know each other?'

Neil says - 'Yes, he's my boyfriend.'

Karn is extremely shocked and says, 'What?' (He is getting jealous.)

Neils mom - says, 'Really? Why don't you tell us .

Then Rishabh adds, 'No he is not my boy friend he is just my friend.'

Neil says only friend,Rv we know each other since last 10 years and Im only friends to you.(dramatically)

Rishabh - Best friend now happy.Dont be so dramatic Neil.

Neil - Very happy baby(flirty).

Rishabh - If you again call me baby I will punch you .

Neil - It's my birth right so you can't do anything.

Rishabh - You.
( Mahesh intrpet them.)

Mahesh - Calm down you both.

Neil parents - It's good ,that you guys know each other.Now you both can marry each other.

Grandmother - Rishabh and Neil go talk and tell us your decision.

Neil and Rishabh leave from there.They both went to the garden side of the house and sit on the chairs.
Neil hug Rishabh one again, Rishabh also return the hug.

Neil(emotional) - I miss you so much Rv.

Rishabh - I miss you too.

Neil - By the way your marriage with me ( and start laughing)

Rishabh - Why were you talking nonsense in front of my family?

(Hit him with pillow,Neil start laughing)

Neil - Oh come on Rv I was teasing you .We have not talk in a while,so I thought to tease you
By the way I miss you so much.

Rishabh - I miss you to Neil.

Neil - Hey I'm little confuse,last time when we talk you told me you are dating Karn ,so suddenly marriage.Did something happened??

Rishabh get sad after hearing Karn name.Neil notice his face and ask him to tell him everything.

Rishabh - We broke up 5 months ago.

Neil - What???

Risabh explained to him everything,how Karn cheated on him and broke up with him.

Neil (tightly hug Risabh) -Im so sorry Rishabh you are going through many things and I was not here to confort you.From now on I will not let anyone hurt you .

Rishabh - Thank you Neil,it's means a lot to me.Now tell me why you say yes for marriage you told me you do want to get marry and what about your witchy gf.

Neil - I broke up with her,she is a good digger and about marriage dad told me I have to get married before becoming a king.Its our family ritual ,the crown prince has to marry before becoming the king.Right now he is king so we all have to follow his orders.

Rishabh - Oh now I understand and it's good that you breok up with your witchy gf I don't like her from start(roll eyes).

Neil and Rishabh are talking since last 1 hr and everyone is waiting for them . Grandfather ask servent to call them .Servent asks Rishabh everyone is calling them.They both go to living area and everyone is asking them to give their answer.

What you think will Neil and Risabh say yes for marriage or no.
Give your opinion comment.

Note - Rishabh nickname is Rv so don't get confuse.

That's all for today I hope you like it.

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