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RV and Neil are on their way home when they spot Karn and his friends.

Neil says to RV, "Hey, look, a dog!"

RV - Where?"

Neil clarifies - I mean, your ex, Neil, stopped the car and said, 'What's up guys what are you all doing here.

Sammer says - We were planning a trip for the weekend, but our car broke down."

Neil - No worries, I'll give you a lift. Come on, hop in.

Sammer ,shrishti happily sits in the car, while Karn and Preeta join hands and sit together. RV closes his eyes, feeling a bit hurt.

Neil (notices his reaction and ask sameer. )

Neil - By the way Sameer, how much does Rv pay you? I bet it's only 150 rupees, he is cheapskate."
RV gets annoyed and says,

Rishabh -What are you calling me, a cheapskate?"

Neil replies, "Yes, you are a cheapskate."

RV retorts - You'll regret it, Neil."

Neil jokingly says - Oh how I will regret it.

RV. - Don't forget I'm a black belt in Taekwondo I will beat you.

Neil - Im a black belt too, so don't threaten me."

Preeta  - Rishabh ji please don't fight.

Rishabh - I'm not fighting he is the one who is fighting with me( roll eyes)

Neil - Oh really you are the one who is threatening me.

RV tells Neil - You're a donkey."

Neil responds - And you're a pig."

RV -"If I'm a pig, then you're a dog. You're everything."

Neil teases - Dont forget you are getting married to me so if I'm a pig ,you are the one who is getting married to a pig.

Rishabh - Go to hell I don't want talk to you( turn his face)

Neil - I'm also not interested in talking to you.

Everyone is shocked because they never seen Rv fighting with anyone and here Rv is fighting with Neil.
Neil is smiling because he finnally change Rv's mood.

Neil again start to drive the call.
Suddenly Rv phone rings,he gets scared by seeing the name of the person.

Rv - I'm going to die ,why my phone is on silent this person will kill me ,God why my phone is on silent.

Sameer - What happen brother.

Rv - Nothing I'm just going to die (make faces)

RV look towards  Neil with an innocent face and gave him a cute smile.

Neil: What's happen ?

RV showed his phone to Neil and said - Neil, please talk .

Neil burst into laughter and said - Someone's gonna die today.

RV told Neil - Talk to him, or else this person will kill me.

Neil  - Sameer few minutes ago someone say he don't want to talk to me.

Rv - Sorry na Neil,now please talk .

Neil(teasing) - Firstly say please babe .

Rv - Please and babe no I will not say these words.

Neil replied - Alright, then I won't talk to him either.

RV said - Okay fine please baby talk to him.(Facepalm)

Neil finally made up his mind to talk to that person ,he take Rishabh phone and talk to that person and ended the call after a while.

What do you think whose that person whom Rv is scared of,share your those in comments.

That's all for today I hope you like it.

Today I'm so happy because it's Maha Shivratri and my bestest friend birthday.
Happy Maha Shivratri guys

and Happy birthday my cupcake.

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