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The next morning

RV comes out from bathroom and start getting ready, he is remembering the kiss scenes repeatedly, blushing as Neil's face comes to his mind.

He quickly gets ready and comes downstairs, noticing that there's a lot of preparation happening in the house. RV goes to his grandma and asks

Rv - Dadi why there's so much preparation going on.

Dadi - Your hus- ! oops I mean,  Neil is coming, so all the preparation is for that.

She asks Rv what he likes to eat, we will prepare his favourite food .

Rv (jokingly says) He like to eat my  brain .

Dadi - What did you say ?

Rv - Nothing

His grandma insists on knowing Neil favorite so they can make it today

Rv - You can make anything,Neil eat everything but Kari rice are his favourite and he heads to the gym area.

A while later, Neil arrives at the Lutra mansion and greet everyone.asks grandma where RV is.

Neil - Dadi where is Rv.

Dadi - Son we also live here talk to us na,you always ask about Rv (teasing ).

Neil just smile on this.

Dadi - Rv is in gym area.

Neil thanks her and goes to gym area and  then finds RV in the gym area lifting weights. Neil back hugs him .

Neil - How is my lovely fiance doing.

RV gets startled but calms down hearing Neil's voice, biting Neil's hand lightly .

Rv - What are you doing we both can get hurt .

Neil - Sorry na Rv .

Rv - It's okay  and tell me why don't you told me that you are going here , it's good that grandma told me about your visit.

Neil - I want to give you a surprise but my plan got ruined and everything got messed up.

Karn see all this from the window and start getting jealous he hit his hand on the wall.

They both are talking after few minutes a servent came their and asked Neil that dadi is calling him so Neil leaft with the servent.

Karn enters the gym  and holds RV's hand, starting an argument about keeping distance from Neil.

RV - Karn what are you doing leave my hand .

Karn - No I will not . Don't I tell you to stay away from Neil why don't you understand.

Rv - What your problem karn leave me.

Karn - Shut up and stay always from Neil or else I will.

Suddenly Karn received a hard puch on his face,he see Neil is standing there looking at him with fire eyes.

Neil - How dare you to touch my Rv. Stay away from my Rv.

Karn - What will you do,prospect him like a hero .He don't need you.he need someone like me.

Neil ( cleached his first) - He need someone who care,not the one who scare,and not a cheater like you.

Karn start attacking Neil with a punch but Neil dodged and countered with a kick they both are fighting like dog.Rv us trying to stop them but no one is listening.

Rv (shout) - Stop it .

Both stop the fight and look towards Rv.Rv again start to shout in karn.

Rv - What you problem karn,you are the one who charted on me,you are the one who do breakup with me.What now.why can't you let me live in peace.
This is the last time I'm warning you if you again dare to touch me I will not leave you .

Rv take Neil hand in his hand and leave from there .

Rv - Why were you fighting with him Neil??

Neil - You are asking me this ,don't you see yourself how he touches you.

Rv - So what ??

Neil (angrily) - You see na how that bastard touch you how dare he, I will kill him if he again try to hurt you .

Rv is getting angry because Neil is not understanding.

Neil - I can't see  someone hurting you, I don't like it.

Rv - Why can't you see??

Neil pinned Rv to the wall and said angrily.

Neil - I love you ok!! I love you so much, RV. I can't stand it when someone else touches you or tries to hurt you. It makes my blood boil, and I feel like hurting anyone who tries to hurt you."

Neil s - I love you, RV (and hugs RV tightly.)

Rv is shocked hearing Neil and asks

Rv - W-what?"

Neil - I- -I .

Neil realizes what he said, and they both stare at each other. Just then, grandma arrives and calls them both.

Grandma - Come on, boys, quickly!"

Neil and RV follow her, with Neil noticing that RV isn't saying anything, feeling like he has lost RV  now.

What will happen next? What does destiny have in store for them?

That all for today I hope you like it.

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