Walk Like an Egyptian, Part 1!

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"Season three of Total Drama folks!" Chris announced, looking very excited for the new season. "The world is gonna be mine, sea to shining sea!" He explained. "Sadly I'm forced to share my world with a three-ring traveling teen freak show," he said as a teal bus lurched to a stop presumably holding said freak show.

"They'll be competing all around the globe for another million dollars!" He said, emphasizing the million dollars.

Footsteps were heard walking out of the bus as Chris began to introduce this seasons cast, "So lets meet our players! Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Gwen, Leshawna!" All of the mentioned contestants walked in front of the camera smiling and waving well until Heather stopped causing Gwen to bump into her.

"Argh! Are there reserved seats? I.E can I have one not behind Heathers pony hair ponytail?!" Asked the loner which caused the raven haired girl to scowl, "Um my extensions are human hair!"

"You learn something new everyday" Duncan said smugly causing Gwen to crack up before she and the punk stared in each others eyes making Courtney scowl at the two hot topic shoppers.

Chris began introducing the next batch of contestants soon after the dispute, "Lindsay!" The blonde bombshell walked out blowing a kiss to the camera seeming to be the only one leaving as the next contestants mentioned have yet to appear, "Owen, DJ, and Harold!" A beat passed "Guys?" The first two mentioned soon appeared with the latter having to be held by the former "Sweet strawberry preserves NOO!" Cried the lovable island winner "He's afraid of flying remember?" Explained DJ, the gentle giant

Harold soon appeared speaking some mad facts "aerophobia, from the Latin as opposed to aeronausiphobia, the fear of air sickness!" Noah stepped down next already ready with a witty remark to Harold's, "Keep up with the fascinating facts and i'm gonna be aeronausious all over you" Said the eighthead cynic "And returning favorites, Noah, Cody, and-" But the host soon got cut off from a new voice in the bus,

"Yo yo yo this years winner is in the house!" Exclaimed Ezekiel "Or bus? I mean runway! Where's the plane eh?" Asked the homeschooler "I know right let's fly! Wooo!" Said Izzy, the psycho hose beast, as she jumped on the formers shoulders "Watch out!" Cried Ezekiel as they fell over

"Yep Izzy's back!" Exclaimed Chris "Also returning this season, Tyler, and the co-host of total drama aftermath, Bridgette" The two mentioned tripped over their fellow contestants and piled over each other "Yo Chris you forgot to introduce me!" Cried Ezekiel from the bottom of the pile "Ugh, and Ezekiel" The host said with zero enthusiasm but it soon returned as he prepared to introduce a twist to the contestants and the audience

"And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh we're adding two new competitors!" The contestants perked up at this announcement as if they were not on the same bus as them.

"First, she's a young lady who's so charming she puts royalty to shame, Jo!"

A girl stepped out of the bus. She had short neck length dark blonde hair. She wore a black jacket over a white dress shirt. She wore a red bow tie around her neck. The black jacket had a red corsage pinned on the left breast. Below the jacket, she wore a black pleated skirt that went halfway to her knees, and knee high leather boots. She wore a pair of sunglasses.

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