Africian Lying Sfaari

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last time on total drama world tour

thanks china we had a blast

just not the kind associated with fun


for cody who found himself in a love

potion-induced semi-coma

courtesy of his husband, Scott

and since the show is still short on cashola,

we had a two-for-one sale on losers

one of whom was assisted by a certain

repeat offender

we're down to the final five who won't

make the final four

and how will i punish chef for helping

someone cheat

again find out right now on total

drama world tour

smiling whistling this is the happiest

i've ever seen you what can i say

it's like all of my problems were shoved

out of a plane

Duncan: Speaking of failed romance, you want me to hit the common area so you two lovebirds can start building your nest?
Heather and Jo: Yeah, right! As if! [realizing they're speaking in unison] Stop it!
Duncan: Blaineley was right! You two are so lame for each other.

Jo: Yup, we're also gay. (Duncan gives Jo a wide berth) What? Did I cheat yesterday?

Duncan: You did.

oh thank you sweetie

it feels like silk too now you just

relax while i mix you some soothing tea

i love you too now that cody's drinking

the love potion tea instead of

me it's finally working he's already

weakened the knees around me

a few more cups and he'll be the perfect


i love saying that

Cody: [sitting up and dazed] I feel like a wet noodle in a blender. Ugh!
Scott: [laying Cody back down] Don't worry. [feeds him the Love-Me Tea] This will have you up and running in no time.
Cody: Huh? [hallucinates that Scott is a polar bear] Wha-ah, ah!!

nice dress it's traditional masai

warrior garb

and it came with this whoa

watch it trust me that's the least

dangerous thing that'll happen to you


welcome to beautiful tanzania

home of the serengeti plains and over 70

different kinds of animals

that can kill you what is that noise

sorry we're late what's with the cans oh

i didn't have time to finish the just

married banner

you like very walking dinner bell for


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