All Is Fair in Louvre and War

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last time on total drama

the contestants experienced every

pitfall peru could put forward

they visited some ancient landmarks hung

out with the locals

and dj kept his animal curse alive by

whacking some wee-wee monkey

someone's feelings were hurt and

something really weird happened

team victory had a victory

ten contestants one million dollars

loads more exotic locales to destroy

right here on total drama world tour!


wow i'm so relaxed i think my brain

is even asleep yep

totally asleep this is great and the

best part is i can't wait

to see his name's tyler i know i


ew what is that smell it's my meatless

faking and eggs are like breakfast

i'm never hurting another animal again

so now you're a vegan

vegan and don't tell mama she says

vegans are chicken loving chickens

i'm glad lindsay's team won the last

challenge and everything

but her being up in first class and me

being back here

oh it sucks

Owen: Um, yeah... I know exactly what you mean. When I'm, uh, away from Izzy for too long, I get really..
Noah: Happy? Because your girlfriend is a complete and total nutjob. And I'm not talking tiny peanuts, that girl is a Brazil nut sized nut job.
Owen: Hey, where is Izzy anyway?
Jo: I saw her go to the cockpit to talk to Chef.
[Owen, Noah, Heather, and Cody gasp, then plane shakes while an alarm goes off]
Cody: Oh no!
Courtney: What's happening?!
Tyler: We're going down!
[switches to cockpit]
Izzy: Whoa! What does this button do?! [presses a button and plane flips] Oh! And this one! [presses another button]
Chef: Girl, stop that!
[switches to outside of the plane]
Izzy: Ooo. Blue button! [pushes it and planes starts to fall with mostly everyone screaming and the plane then recovers in the flight]
Heather: Having some trouble controlling your team, Jo?
[Jo sees Owen sucking his thumb while stuck in cargo hold, Tyler crashed into another cargo hold, and Noah with his head stuck in a birdcage]
Jo: Your attempts to insult my team are... cute.
Heather: Whatever. My girl power team is going to win. We don't get distracted by anything, especially boys. [Jo points to Scott who is crying when Cody tried to vote him off while eating a pint of ice cream] Get it together! [she drags Scott out by his collar]
Jo: [whispering] All clear.
[a luggage case falls off the cargo hold to reveal Cody cramped inside]

Cody: [in confessional hiding behind Jo] Chris is the one who played the video of me trying to vote him off, so why do I feel like such a schmuck? All I did was vote, in which I had to do!
Jo: How long are you gonna keep this up?
Cody: I'm done. [pops his head out noticing a stitch on Jo's skirt] ]Did you know you have a little rip on the seam there, just a-
Jo: Out, Cody!

Izzy: [over the intercom, imitating Chris] Ahem! This is your captain speaking. If you look out your window, you'll get to see what happens when a plane does a somersault!
Chef: [grabbing the microphone from Izzy] Give me that! Uh, ya'll might wanna hang on to something heavy.
[Jo, Cody, Noah, and Tyler all hold onto Owen in terror and the plane rolls and flips on a strip on water in front of the Louvre, then lands.]
Izzy: Woo! [the plane ejects Izzy who hits her head on the plane before hitting the water and laughing]
[the camera cuts to the cockpit]
Chris: You said we were landing at the Eiffel Tower!
Chef: And you said you was gonna replace that curtain with a locked door!

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