The EX-Files!

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last time on total drama world tour

greece! hey it was ruined before we got


here we learned that Jo may not

be perfect

unless perfection means being super klutzy

and tyler spilled the beans about duncan

and gwen's kiss


i had no idea cody had such a k*ller

right hook

in the end the amazons won but no one

went home

so everyone could marinate in awkward

soup for at least one more challenge

who's gonna get knocked out of orbit

this week get ready to believe

right here on total drama world tour!

Heather: What a beautiful day it is. Mmm. What is that delicious smell? Oh, I know, it's... [Confessional] Tension! And it has nothing to do with me. I have never felt so safe. [smugly] Thanks, Gwen.
Courtney: [Confessional; screaming in rage] Gwen is going down! I can't believe I ever trusted that sun-fearing, emo-loving liar! Well at least I broke with Duncan on MY terms. Ha, it was totally empowering. [cries while throwing a tantrum] You, stupid jerkface!
Duncan: Look, I'm sorry.
Courtney: [kicks Duncan in the groin; Confessional] At least I still have my... pride. [unable to bottle up her feelings and... she starts crying]

[Meanwhile with economy class...]

Man: It's just a ventriloquist's dummy.

Slappy: Who are you calling dummy... DUMMY!?

(The camera cuts to show Jo sitting next to Owen and Tyler as they watched Goosebumps's alternate opening)

Jo: I loved Goosebumps.

Owen: I hated it! That dummy was so creepy!

Jo: (smirks; holds a DVD labeled "Goosebumps 2015 alternate opening" and a yoyo)

[Confessional: Jo]

Jo: My aunt Juliet is a hypnotist. Manipulating runs in the family, and that wasn't the only post-hypnotic suggestion I gave Owen. [chuckles]

[End confessional]
Cut to the cockpit, where only the balloon of Chef was. Some UFOs flew up and began to zap it.
"Huh, plane could use a tune up." Chris said from his quarters to Chef, who he was playing chess against before pulling out his speaker, "Attention potential crash victims, please remain calm. Our autopilot is testing some equipment. Snacks in the common area if you don't believe me and want a last meal."
Cut to both teams in the common area looking at a bowl of fruit, "Not exactly meal-worthy." Gwen said.
Tyler picked up a banana and tried to eat it, only for a bump in the plane to cause him to jab it into his eye, "Aww, man." he said.
"Must... leave... beautiful... corpse...!" Tyler said as he was doing pull-ups, only for his show to fly off, "Oh no!"
"Gwen, you-" Courtney began, only for the shoe to smack her in the face. Just then, the lights all went out. The UFOs stopped zapping the plane, causing it to fall as they all screamed, but it managed to land upright thanks to another beam. Despite this, Tyler was still screaming.
"3, 2, 1, and you're back!" Jo said before snapping her fingers, causing Tyler to stop screaming.
"We landed already? Oh, nice." Tyler said.

[Confessional: Jo]

Jo: I also hypnotized Tyler!

[End confessional]

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