Aftermath Mayhem

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(A/N: Wattpad original chapter. This was not in the original fic.)




i don't think i can do this it's a fish


asked me what i wanted to be and now i

think the answer is

cause i wanna be famous




attention total drama fanatics

forget the aftermath this is total

drama after mayhem i'm your co-host jeff

and this is weird because bridge is

supposed to meet me up here

but maybe she's gonna surprise me makes

sense this whole show is full of

mega surprises but first no one's gonna

get an allergic reaction to these nuts


the peanut gallery

and get this our own obnoxious

self-centered rooting reporter plainly

it's finally roving

like way far from here

yes plainly's off on a total drama tour

to potential new franchise locations and

she's meeting with one total drama super

fan contest winner in each country

stay tuned cause apparently this super

fan is plainly obsessed

wow never thought i'd say that take it

away bridge

where's my tofu angel at here's a hint

they eat a lot of red meat there

you you're supposed to well said jeffy


what did you do with her no jeff how

bridget left doesn't matter

what matters is that she did leave and

i'm officially back in my

co-host seat but i thought you wanted

out of your contract so you could bail

on this dog train before my career has

flushed down the bathroom confessional

toilet of life

hmm turns out if the live show runs long

i don't get paid and if i try to leave

the show for any reason other than being

fired or accidentally k*lled on set by a

falling light

i'll get sued

come on come on nice

almost makes me wish the producers had

set me on the tour instead of bridgette

almost the producer sent her away

huh really okay on with the show

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