Aftermath 2

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Open on an intro of letters flying towards the camera and spelling out TDWT Aftermath. The live studio audience cheered as the camera revealed a stage with two couches on it, with a table in front of the middle one. Where the right couch normally sat, there was now a table with a bunch of phones that Harold was sitting at, with a money counter above him. Geoff and Bridgette sat on the middle couch in a suit and dress respectively with the monitor already above them, Geoff for once not wearing his hat.
"Good evening! I'm Geoff, and this is my most excellent co host, Bridgette!" Geoff said.
"And we're coming to you live because we need your help to raise money for a seriously worthy cause!" Bridgette said.
"I know what you're thinking, 'huh?' Or-or maybe you're thinking, 'what?' Either way, think back to the last episode, when the Total Drama Plane crash landed in Jamaica. A tragedy."
"One that could've been averted if only they had more gas. But our host sadly had blown the show's budget on decorating his personal quarters."
"And thanks to that, unless we raise more dough for fuel, our friends still in the game could be stranded in Jamaica forever!" Geoff said as the audience gasped.
"Total Drama could be cancelled! We could be cancelled, too! Which is why, tonight, we're bringing you..."
"Total Drama the Telethon!" Geoff said ad the phone number appeared onscreen.
"The phone lines are open, so please, for the love of Total Drama, call now and donate!"
"As the resident phone master, I'll be here to take all your calls!" Harold said from his area.
"But before that, I believe you and your band have to perform?" Bridgette said.
"Oh yeah! Right!" Harold said as he put on his shades and ran over to join Trent, as well as Sasquatchankwa and an intern. Bridgette pulled out a microphone as the music began.
Bridgette: This show you need to save! This show, you gotta tell, this show! That you care!
The screen showed pictures of Noah, Owen, Tyler, Courtney, Scott, Heather, Cody, Gwen, and Jo.
Geoff: Jamaica, they're trapped down in! Jamaica, they can't even, Japarty! It's so unfair.
They monitor began to show various clips from the season.
Bridgette: You gotta help now, we're on the brink!
Geoff: The crew gets fired if this ship sinks!
Bridgette: So make a difference in their lives!
Geoff and Bridgette: Give us cash or this show dies!
Bridgette: Saaave this show! Total Drama!
Geoff: Saaave this show! You know you wanna!
Bridgette and Geoff: Save the show that you love!
Bridgette: Saaave this show! Total Drama!
Geoff: Saaave this show! So call the numbah!
Bridgette and Geoff: Save this show with love! And 500,000 dollars!
The camera changed to just Geoff's face.
Geoff: Save the show, baby. Just give it some dough. Give it some love and some dough.
The music ended as the audience cheered. Trent ran backstage and Harold ran back to his table. Just then, Blaineley walked onstage.
"That's right, you need to give us 500,000 dollars in the next half hour. Hi, I'm Blaineley Stacey Andrews O'Halloran, and I'm you're co-host!" she said.
"I'm sorry, I thought you were joining Duncan as a reporter?" Bridgette asked.
Blaineley scowled before continuing to smile, "I'm thrilled to be here tonight, co-hosting with Geoff and Bridgette."
"I thought she was going back to her old job at Celebrity Manhunt?" Harold asked.
"She tried. They said no." Geoff replied.
"I'll keep you posted on the total as your calls, and your cash, pour in. This is the number, call now! We have gifts as well!" Blaineley said.
"For a donation of just 25 dollars, you'll get a commemorative box of delicious and nutritious Total Drama Yum Yum Happy Go Time Candy Fish Tails! Strictly decorative, may not be legal in all provinces, do not eat, keep out of reach of children." Bridgette said as the screen showed a bag of Candy Fish Tails.
"And for fifty bucks, you'll get a special, commemorative Total Drama T-Shirt! Sure, it looks like a plain tee, but when you get it wet, it's a wet tee!" Geoff said as the monitor showed a shirt with a picture of Chris' face.
"If you get a busy signal, keep trying! You'll get through eventually!" Blaineley said. Despite this, Harold was not getting any calls.
"If loyal viewers like you don't start donating pronto, everyone here's gonna get canned! And for the gang in Jamaica, the nightmare truly begins!"
"Our goal tonight is 500,000 dollars, and thanks to your donations, so far, we've reached a grand total of..." Blaineley looked at the money counter, "...nothing!?"
"Oh, come on!" Geoff said before facepalming.
"Well, let's welcome our first guest and encourage her fans to call in!" Bridgette said.
she didn't recognize her own

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