Super Crazy Happy Fun Time in Japan!

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"Last time on Total Drama World Tour," Chris recapped, "Egypt. Land of pyramids. Land of hot. Land of the sweaty. Our contestants had loads of fun on the run in the sun. And they still managed to find time to dust a dog, chat up a camel, feed the crocs, and whack a bird.

Showing style on the Nile, Team Amazon managed to pull out a win. Zeke found a way to lose... unlose... and lose again. And as the sun began to set on the sandy... sands of Egypt, we found out what happens when someone refuses to get along and sing the song. This week, who's gonna sing? Who's gonna dance? Who's gonna sell out their friends for a chance at five... million... dollars?

Welcome to Total... Drama... World Tour!"

*Cue the theme*

[A guttural scream tore from Jo's throat, and her hands wobbled as she looked upon the picture in her hands.]

Jo: What the fuck is that?!!

Scott: (shows up) I drew that.

Jo: Drew what?

Scott: That picture. Remember Egypt.

Jo: What about Egypt?

Scott: A little birdie told me that people met a mummy there, and you would have met a mummy too if you had gone with said people, so I drew this.

[Jo gasped before scowling when she saw the picture. It was an image of her being dragged by a mummy. The mummy looked silly. It was a quite awful picture of Jo, too. Her body was wrapped in bandages, and her arms were crossed. In text, the words "The Arch Villainess Meets The Mummy!" were displayed.]

Jo: (points) You! You drew this!

Scott: Yup. Just traced the cover of this book.

[Scott tossed a copy of "The Dummy Meets the Mummy!" at Jo.]

Jo: "The Dummy Meets The Mummy"...? That dreadful book is what you drew inspiration from?

Scott: I knew it would come off as tracing a picture by Sir Brandon Dorman, which is illegal. As a result, I put some heavy-duty changes on... certain things. You're not upside down, for one.


Jo: (looks at the cover of "The Dummy Meets The Mummy") ...Damn, poor Slappy.

[End confessional]

i'm too young to die

stop sweating lunchbox air travel is

like the 15th safest mode of


unless you're in a death trap

this one for example


Jo : [after rescuing Leshawna from being sucked out of the plane] Such beauty will not fall through giant airplane holes on my watch!

[Owen's seatbelt rips off and he gets fling to the hole.]

Harold : I could have done that. I just prefer to leave the ladies wanting more.

DJ : She wants more, all right. More Jo!

Harold : DJ, you know nothing about women.

Leshawna : You can put me down now. I mean, if you want to. Or not. Your choice, because this is nice.


nothing not that this isn't fascinating

at all

but help my butt is being sucked out of

a plane

i happen to like winning and being in

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