Walk like an Egyptian, Part 2

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"Let's take a few moments to review some of the features from our aircraft." Chris introduced in a new manner, different from last season. "Safety is our number one priority, so please remain seated at all times." The clips of the terrible plane were shown. "The plane has one exit, located here. Remember, refusal to sing will lead to immediate disqualification." The last clip of the song from last episode was played. Next, a pass of each and every competitor was shown. "Upon arrival at our final destination, one lucky competitor will receive a parting gift to remember. One million dollars! So store that carry on luggage and lock those tray tables. We're taking off on one crazy ride! Right here, right now, on... Total! Drama! World Tour!"

Note: The Intro is the same as canon. With some changes. First off, Gwen and Duncan swap places in the intro, and when Duncan crashed into Courtney and Gwen's boat, Gwen went to help him but then saw Courtney's glare and then floundered in between the two. Heather is being pushed in the baby carriage by Tyler, and then falls into the arms of a smirking Jo, while Scott pulls Cody up the statue of liberty and then hugs him.

Izzy: ooh oh team colors!

Harold: Why the heck is our matte yellow? we're no cowards!

LeShawna Relax, sugar: the matte's gold cause team victory's in first place!

Gwen: I can't believe Duncan got disqualified just cause he won't sing.

Heather: Maybe he can't sing.

Courtney: oh he can do anything he sets his mind to and now he's stuck on the plane waiting for a ride home! Poor thing. He must be miserable!

[Duncan is humming, and he's anything but miserable]

Duncan:  Did I just hear you?

Duncan: no.

Chris: 'cause it sounded like you were-

Duncan: but i wasn't and i never will

Scott: Duncan and Courtney fans will be devastated, but I think you and Owen have a shot at becoming fav Total Drama Couple on my fan site.

Izzy: Owen's magic. When he breathes, his nose whistles the national anthem! [Owen's nose does just that]

Scott: Super cute! But he's no Cody. Did you know that Cody slept with a stuffed Emu named Jerry until he was... well okay, he still does.

Noah: And how, you know this?

Scott: I called his aunt once. I pretended I was a telemarketer!

Noah: Ooooh. Stalker-licious.

don't know about you guys but i am

loving egypt

and i'm gonna love it even more watching


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