I See... London!

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"Last time, on Total Drama World Tour, we had some "mechanical" difficulties, and ended up in hot water, Jamaica style! No problem! Except for Izzy, whose squished brain was a MAJOR problem, and led to our first elimination by injury. Stranded, and short on gas money, we were forced to improvise, and we found out that Jo is a crazy serial killer! Thanks to the bitter Jo making him lose, DJ was eliminated and the so-called Team Victory was finally put out of its misery. But thanks to a rockin' telethon that raised a tank load of cash from our viewers, (thanks for that, by the way) we're ready to get back in the air. Vacation's over, it's time for some more Total Drama World Tour!"

Open on everyone in loser class, "Why are we in loser class? We won last time!" Heather said.

"Chris said he needed first class today for a surprise! And what Chris needs-" Scott began.

"Chris takes. From us." Tyler said.

Everyone was somewhat bitter.

"Hey, Jo. Tonight, should you win, I'm going to treat you to the 2015 Goosebumps film." Scott said. "You see, Jo, plans for a Goosebumps movie had been kicking around for years. Then in 2015, they struck lucky. That movie genuinely has a lot of twists and lots of emotions that come into play, and I highly recommend it."

"I'll watch it if I win." Jo said.

"If you lose, it doesn't matter. You'll still watch the movie regardless!" Scott said.

Cut to Courtney walking into loser class and taking a seat next to Gwen, accidentally sitting on her hand, causing Gwen to let out a pained noise.

"Agh, sunburn! Ow!" Gwen said.

"Oops... sorry. How'd you end up with a sunburn on just one hand?" Courtney asked.

"I have no idea." Gwen said, unaware of Cody looking nervous nearby.

Cut to a flashback back in Jamaica of Gwen sleeping in a chair under a beach umbrella. Tyler and Cody walked over with a camera, and Cody slid into the chair next to Gwen for Tyler to take the photo. Tyler did so, but when Gwen made a snoring noise, Cody jumped up and ran off, accidentally knocking the back umbrella to the said and getting just her hand in the sun.

Cut to Courtney holding a bucket of some cold white substance, "Here, soak your hand in this." Courtney said.

"What is it?" Gwen asked.

"It'll cool the burn. It's a special mix of green tea and bird guano."

Gwen put her hand in it before asking, "Wait, guano? Isn't that-"

"Another name for poop?" Heather finished.

"Yes, but it's full of healing properties! I learned how to make it at C.I.T. first aid weekend. It's gross, but it helps, right?" Courtney asked.

Gwen signed, "Yeah. Well, thanks for being nice."

Heather: [while Courtney tends to Gwen's sunburn] Bonding over poop juice?! Ugh! Is there anyone sane left around here? [sees Scott using his laptop/pizza box] That would be a no.
Scott: Twitter update! Gwen's hand smells like Jamaican bird shit. Cody is still cute. [giggles] Uh, 67 characters. Okay, 73 left. What else can I say?
Noah: [imitating Scott] Considering buying myself a life on Fred's List, but having trouble deciding as they are all such a major improvement! [Owen squirts milk out of his nose from laughter and covers Noah in milk] Dude, gross!
Owen: Did I get some of my nose milkshake on you? Sorry. It's the only thing that really cools off a snoot full of Jamaican Scotch Bonnet peppers. [eats peppers] Mmm. [gulp] Hot... Hot... Hot... Milk! [guzzles down milk carton]
Noah: [imitating Scott again] "Must learn how to make nose-shakes like Owen! That'll impress Cody!"
Owen: [laughs, then shoots a pepper out of nose] OW!
[pepper ricochets around economy class and hits Tyler in the eye]
Tyler: Ow! Weak!
[Noah laughs]
Owen: [Confessional] Aw, my little buddy Noah is like, the funniest guy in the world, so making him laugh is awesome! It's like getting an A+ in hilarity. I wanna top his honor roll! Did that sound creepy? [end of confessional]
[Noah and Owen are both laughing]
Owen: Check it out. I'll shoot a pepper out whichever nostril you pick, I mean choose.
Noah: Yeah, cause 1 nose shake a day isn't enough.
Owen: Aw, but I'm out of milk.
Noah: Hey Courtney, how much of that poop juice have you got left?
[Owen laughs]
Jo: Excuse me, gentlemen. I have to be anywhere but here. [Confessional] A nose shake? Ugh. How many more episodes are there going to be? [end of confessional]

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