Bride of the Arch Villainess

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last time on total drama

world tour the g*ng nearly turned into

swedish meatball pops

but our competition heated way up as

duncan put the burn on Jo by

convincing owen

not to trust her but Jo was too

busy working on courtney to notice

steamy that meant heather needed a

little management

but Jo was up to that too

sizzling is there anything this girl

can't handle

we'll see because this time i'm adding

someone who's gonna kick things up

to thermonicular this show is so

hot you take about a bazillion gallons

of water to cool us

off and we got them coming up

on total drama world tour

[Cue the theme!]

It was the middle of the night.

An airhorn rang out from seemingly everywhere, startling Jo awake and causing her to shoot upright out of bed with a scream. She got out of bed, and it was shown she was wearing black pajamas. Her hair is a bit messy and she had a sleep mask on. She removed the sleep mask.

Why is everyone gone?

"I really had to wake up to that?" Jo said as she changed into her usual attire and brushed her hair, "What is so important it required waking me in the middle of the night?"

"Enter the Cargo Hold." Chris said.

So Jo entered the Cargo Hold. Before her laid the others in groups of two - they were in their usual attire and asleep.

Huh? Why is everyone asleep?

"I have to sleep on my clothes on the floor?" Jo asked. "Can I go back to bed now?"

Chris smirked. "The reason I called you here is because I have a surprise planned for when you wake up. Go to sleep, now, Jo." Jo could tell the late hour was even getting to him. It was lucky that the host wasn't immortal, or a robot.

Jo then crossed her arms. Chris woke her up in the middle of the night, which meant she briefly spent a time looking like a zombie, which meant she had to brush her hair, which meant she'd been called here, which meant...

She had to sleep on the ground.

One second of getting on the ground later, and Jo started to show her hatred for the host. Then she shut her eyes.


great grape and gravy gumdrops i love

this dream

hmm airplane food

you can't use candy canes for evil

[Owen screams and wakes up from his nightmare and everyone was seen falling]
Owen: Wake Up, guys!
Courtney: Huh?
[Everyone screamed as they fell and two swan boats fell with them.]
Chris: Hey, kids! You better get into your paddle boats!
[The contestants grab hold of the swan boats and they hit the water with a big splash. Chris cringes in pain]

Pulling herself up, a dazed Jo laid on the ground. "What happened?" She asked.

Getting up and looking down, she realized that she was on a swan boat at Niagara Falls.

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