Picnic at Hanging Dork

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"Last time on Total Drama World Tour, Area 51, plucked from space to zap your face! Here, Tyler got into a prickly situation. And he wasn't the only one. You call those lasers? And then Owen got sent to a mysterious box and came out looking like even more of a clown than usual. In the end, Tyler blew it for his team and got the shove! Who's going to blunder in the land down under? Find out right here, right now, on Total Drama World Tour!"

[Cue the theme!]

The marker cap falls to the ground.
'Eliminated', 'Targets', 'Unsure'.  These are the three categories Jo scribbles onto the whiteboard she's hauled into loser class in inky black marker.  Jo sets the marker on the whiteboard's holding rack, and picks up the first of the photos, sticking tape on the back idly.
Poor Zeke is first, stuck to the 'Eliminated' column. A shame. Jo didn't know much about Zeke, but he was nice. It was a good thing that he got eliminated that early, though. He was spared from her prowess.
Second is Harold, who she tricked into quitting. He was pretty suspicious, but he was fun to mess around with. A damn shame. 
Third is Bridgette, being placed right beside Jo's first victim. The group was better off without someone who already had a boyfriend, that's for sure. Jo did miss her soft blonde hair, though. It wasn't the same.
Soon, the entirety of Team Victory takes the 'Eliminated' column. 
Maybe should have I joined that team? Then I could have prevented their slow, painful demise. Oh well... better late than never!

Jo then sticks Izzy, Noah and Tyler into that column, too.

The 'Targets' column gains the most names, first being Heather. Jo doesn't know it, but her heart is starting to grow for Heather. She's dark, lithe, and...
Jo slaps herself.

I'm not letting myself get too ahead of myself!

Next is Owen. Then Courtney. She scribbles Cody under that column as well, lastly, because he's too geeky and annoying.
And in the final category of 'Unsure': Duncan, Scott, and Gwen.
Duncan is an utterly unique phenomenon in this season — he quit in the first episode, and returned several episodes later!

He quit because he refused to sing. You know, I used to do so too, back in 2017. However, by the end of 2018, I learned to love singing. And I did like him and Gwen's song...

Gwen is a threat, because she's an Amazon and the Amazons never lose - unless Jo counted the Amazon, where it was a fake elimination.

And Scott... what even is Scott? Scott is... Scott is...

A fanboy. And he's very obsessed with Chris. And Cody. And Courtney.

Scott's fanboy syndrome (let's call it that) is going to be his own undoing, most likely. I could expose his craziness at almost any time. I figure around the final five would be a good time to throw him out of the plane. I could keep him around enough to earn his vote until it didn't matter anymore. But the final five is a safe bet. Scott, I am going to backstab you. This is going to be good!

Jo then turned over to a new whiteboard, and put photos of Harold, DJ, Bridgette, LeShawna, Heather, Gwen, Tyler, and Noah.

"One by one..." Jo muttered, getting a bright red marker and crossing out all but Heather, which she marked with a heart.

"They will all fall."

Jo then got her diary and wrote in it.

"Dear diary,

I'm scheming up ideas for the next ceremony! But I hope Heather doesn't leak anything about my victims. After all, if it gets revealed that I was behind Bridgette going home, or LeShawna, or Noah, or DJ, or Harold, or Tyler, or if I am plotting against almost everyone, I'll be thrown off the plane next. Or... even worse... I'll end up losing my highly famed reputation as a villain I've built up for 15 episodes! This is bad indeed! Just let those meddling Amazons be quiet about it, and then... I'll be good!

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