A Greek Tyler-agredy!

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"Previously on Total Drama World Tour, London England, home to royalty, history, and some very hard buses. Crunch! Here, Heather went through a painful growing period. We said a surprise hello to Duncan, and then a sad goodbye to Noah. And last, but not least, Duncan and Gwen had a "steamy" private moment... that wasn't completely private! It's almost like someone set up a camera near the confessional ON PURPOSE just so this would happen! But who's got two thumbs and would've done that? We've got nine competitors left and a million dollars on the line. Who's game is getting old? And who's strong enough to grab the gold? Find out right now on Total Drama World Tour!"

(Courtney and Gwen sit on the couch in the first class)

Courtney (sighing, contempt): He looks SO good! Doesn't he look good? (Gwen raises an eyebrow)

Gwen (confused): Who, Duncan? Didn't you two break up?

Courtney: Pssh, oh please. He was probably just mad that we brought him back. He should be fine now. (Gwen looks around nervously)

Gwen (hiding her nervousness): Well, then, I guess he looks great? I'm so happy... (suddenly) For you! Happy for you!

Courtney: Don't get me wrong, he's not perfect. (Brings out her list) I made a little list of the things that need to change, but once I change these forty-seven things about him (unfolds the paper, which is almost larger than the couch; Gwen recoils) he WILL be perfect!

Confessional (Gwen)

Gwen: Ugh, what am I doing? The moment I finally became friend-ish with Courtney, I kissed her boyfriend! I'm a horrible person! If it happens again, I'll tell her. Oh, is it wrong that I really, really want it to happen again? Ugh! Horrible person!

Confessional (Courtney)

Courtney (relieved): It's so nice to have a girl to talk to! Especially now that Duncan's back! I mean, sure, we had a bit of a fallout yesterday, but we're still back on! (Thinks) I think. In any case, I hope Gwen doesn't still have a crush on him. I mean, who wouldn't, but still, he's MY boyfriend!

End Confessional

Courtney: Could you imagine if you, me and Duncan end up in the final three?

Gwen (feigning innocence): That would be crazy!

Courtney: Just you, me and MY boyfriend! (Sighs) What'd you think Chris would do to turn us against each other?

Gwen: Oh, let's not guess; I'd rather it be a surprise! (Laughs nervously.)

Cut to Owen snoring in loser class.

Owen: [snoring] Noah! Don't eat the poison stuff, it's poisonous! Ah! [screams pants, waking up] Oh... was I talking in my sleep? [chuckles nervously] Sorry. I'll just... go away. [confessional] Tyler and Josephine are super tight now, after all that time they spent stuck on the plane in London. They even voted Noah off. Noah! Oh, I miss the pitter patter of his tiny feet. Aw... and now, I think I might be next.
Jo: Something wrong, Tyler? If you tell me, maybe I can help.
Tyler: I saw something.
Duncan: Ah. Oh, wow, that was a deep sleep. Sleep of the dead. [chuckles] You know what I mean, Tyler? Dead. [confessional] Tyler saw me and Gwen kissing, and now he's all freaked out. But I think he knows better than to talk about it. He better know better!
Tyler: [confessional] I'm bad with secrets.
Jo: [confessional] Duncan and Tyler. I must figure out what's going on there and use it.

Cut to everyone in the dining room,

Chris: Prepare yourselves for challenges of an amateur caliber, because we're recreating the original Olympics! And we're heading to the birthplace of the Olympics right now in...
Courtney: Greece!
Scott: Atlantis!
Owen: Mount Olympics!
Chris: Wrong! Fictional! And what?! We're heading to Rome, Italy!
Owen: Pizza Party!
Jo: But, Courtney was correct. The Olympics originated in Greece!
Chris: No! They originated in...
Gwen: Greece! They're right!
[Chris has a quick look at the papers]
Chris: Interns! [2 interns appear] Everyone should probably hang on to something! Everyone except you! [the brown intern gets thrown out of the plane]

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