Sweden Sour

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"Last time on Total Drama World Tour, Australia! It will amaze you, if it doesn't kill you first. Here,  duncan's new babe tried to convince her team to vote out duncan's old bait who flirted with Jo to stick it to - that's right - duncan... except duncan and Jo were actually sticking it to her brain! Hurt yet? meanwhile cody gave d-man the business kanga puncheroo style! duncan's revenge while hilarious also cost team amazon the win and Gwen took the drop of shame. Wonder why? Only seven remain, who will get the boot next? Find out now on Total Drama World Tour!"

[Cue the theme!]

Open on Team Amazon sitting in loser class. Most of them were indifferent, but Cody was quite sad at Gwen's departure, "How are you doing, Cody?" Scott asked.
"Pretty terrible. I miss Gwen. She didn't deserve to be eliminated like that!" Cody said.
"Oh, I agree. But there's nothing we can do about it now."
"That doesn't help, Scott."
Cut to Team Chris eating their breakfast in first class.
Courtney came to them.

Jo: Courtney, you're so cute!
Courtney: [Giggling] I bet you say that to every pretty competitor.
Jo: Ah, but you are the only pretty competitor here.

here ugly

i wish i was up there the air back here

is just

so stale and annoying perhaps i can make

your journey a little sweeter

wait here oh thanks


Heather: [confessional; annoyed] Ugh! Back in loser class, again, thanks to Courtney! She should be home right now, not flirting with Jo. She's just trying mess with me, and her, fawning all over-- [gags] Courtney.

i can get used to first class oh

huge i forgot me too

yeah so Jo

courtney is that weird for you whatever


it's funny cause noah always said Josephine was into heather big time

huh what else did noah say oh

just like
Josephine's not what she seems. She looks a lot like Slappy the Dummy from R.L. Stine's Goosebumps series and I should never trust her cause she's a heather clone.


i really miss noah oh wow yeah

me too and the best way to show him what

his friendship

meant to us is to obey his dying words

what when did he die no no no he's fine


i meant his parting his parting words

dude my point is if noah thought

Jo was the enemy you and i better

stick together and do the same

it's what noah would have wanted wait


Josephine is the enemy

Jo: I offer Courtney a cookie and some advice that my mom gave me.

chocolate chip my favorite

my mother always said the way to a

woman's heart is a long road

but shortcuts are made of chocolate

courtney would normally be a much

greater challenge

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