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Andril and Ranjeev meet in eachother in a messy situation where Ranjeev hit Andtil bike and got into a little bit argument but they didn't see eachother face. Andril was busy with her her and waiting for her weekend. On the othersisde Ranjeev was happy that he talked with Meera got her number.

Ranjeev p.ov.,

 As soon as I came home. I bathed and had dinner and went inside my room and took my mobile and messaged Meera in Whatsapp " Hai Meera.". After I checked her Profile, About everything. I was waiting for her reply. After 5 minutes I got a text from her as " Hai Ranjeev."

I was happy and dancing in my room. Then I texted her " What are you doing?."

She replied " I had some paper work to finish and plan my schedule tomorrow." And the she asked " What are you doing?."

I replied " Okay. I had my dinner and going to sleep."

She replied " Okay then. Good Night."

I scolded myself as ' Why Idiot why?. You are texting her only know then why you said that you are going to sleep. Ranjeev you are such as Idiot'.

After I replied " Good Night." But she went offline. Then I slept.

Andril p.o.v.,

Asusal my days goes and we get our most awaited weekends and in that we planned to sleep and not do any work. I got my salary . I save some and give some money to pay my brother college fee and for rent. By the end I had some amount left for me to spend. 

I was in my house. My relative came and they said that their daughter is getting married . So they  gave marriage invitation and invited all of us to come. After my mom asked to prepare some coffee to them. While I was preparing I heard my mom is saying that she is seeing allaince for me and asked that Aunty to tell if there is anyone. That time I got angry and think that she is telling to everyone and what she this am I building or a land. If any good dealer comes means we can gave it to them. I think she might think me like that only. 

Then I came out of the kitchen and served Tea. After they all went and then I asked my mom " Why are you telling to everyone?."

" Andril , you don't know anything. If we say like this only we will get a good guy." mom said

I asked her " I don't understand what you are telling?. Already we are in shortage of money and having many commitments in between why are you so stubborn about to marry me to someone?."

She said " Andril, me and your dad will take care of everything. So you no need to worry just focus on your work that's enough."

I said " You all are never going to understand me." Then I went to bed angrily.

Next day in my office , My TL called me and Meghna and asked us to go and visit the site and gather some information about that.

Ranjeev p.o.v.,

Kiran asked " Ranjeev , when you are planning to confess to her. Because within two weeks our work will over. So, you don't have high chance to meet her. So tell her as soon as possible."

"I am planning to tell her da. Past last week fully I didn't saw her. She didn't come here. I texted her but she is not replying soon. She always text me very late. And I don't know whether she is having feelings for me or not." I said

" Whatever Macha, don't think about what she will tell. First you open your mouth and tell. Then we will see what is going to happen". Kiran said

I nodded.

Then we both continued our work. Meera came I went and talk with her. She said she was very much tired and asked me " Ranjeev , will you come to cafe with me?."

I was so happy. I suddenly said " Yes". She quite suprised and asked " Why are you so much excited?." I said " No not like that. I am also feeling very tired. So I am also thinking to take some time to relax. Then you suddenly came and asked me. So I suddenly got excited."

She said " Okay fine. Let's meet at 7pm." I said " Sure."

I finished all my work at 5pm and waited until 7pm and then she came and asked " Ranjeev , did you finish all the work ?. " I said " Yes". She asked "When you completed?."

I said " At 5pm". She got shocked " If you finished that early means. Why don't you leave to your house?. I thought you will complete by 7p,."

I said " It's okay. I don't have any work in my house as well. So don't worry."

Then we drove our bike to the caffeteria. There we order cold coffee and had some Burger and french fries. She was going on talking and sharing all the stories that she had all these years after we finished our College. I was happy and listening to all of her stories. 

At 9pm I dropped her at her house and went to Home happily. Whole night I was thinking about her and smiling like an idiot without sleeping.

( Guys, Is that okay without a girl/boy permission and opinion that their parents started to see alliance?. If not means why?. When Ranjeev is going to confess to Meera?. Does Meera having any feeling towards Ranjeev?. Let's see that in The Next Chapter....)

I Hope you like Reading this Story....

Let's meet in The Next Chapter....

Take Care. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

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