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Andril was fed up by her mom's activity. And her mom gave a matrimony request to Ranjeev. Ranjeev was shocked that any girl will accept to marry him and on the other side he remembered that he had seen her in Meera's office that day.

Ranjeev p.o.v.,

I saw her profile and remembered that she was the girl I met at Meera's office. And looking at her profile I came to know her name is Andril. She is 25 years old. She is working in a IT company and earning 35,000 per month. They are also living in rented house. After I said to my mom " I don't think she will okay with marrying me. She may gave request without knowing my proffession or she may not studied full details or by unknowingly she would have clicked the request button."

My mom said " Ranjeev , why are you talking like this?. You are also doing a good job in the World. Don't see yourself low."

I nodded then I went back to my room and I again opened her profile in my mobile and read out her detail completely.

Andril p.o.v.,

I finished my work and return back to my house. After bathing, eating , I went to fill my water bottle. Then I heard my dad is talking to the mom " Hey, I think he is a very good man and nobody is talking anything bad about him. As he mentioned in his profile he is an teetotaler. His Family also a good Family and her sister got married and living in her husband's house and they also had one daughter. But only thing is that he didn't have own house. And I don't know if they are having any property."

My mom said " From what you said I think he and his Family is good. Give me sometime to think. We will decide about it later."

 My dad said " Okay."

I went back to my room and having an headache because of the pressure my parents are putting it on me. My friend Meghna messaged me " Andril, shall we go out somewhere tomorrow?. Because we are in our weekend and I am feeling so bored."

I replied " I am not feeling bored. But if I am in this place I will get much pressure. My parents will make me tense for the whole day. So, its better that we both can go out."

Next morning me and Meghna went to cafe and had some time to talk with eachother. There I said " Meghna my parents are seeing alliance for me and you know that right?. I think they almost selected one boy for me and they both are seriously checking his background."

She laughed and said " Wow....You are going to marry soon. Congragulations Andril. Who is that guy?."

I said " I don't know who it is?."

" Okay just take some time to think .When Your parents will come and say to you and if you like him means then marry him." she said

In Ranjeev house,

In Ranjeev house his mom called Andril's mom. When her mom attend the call " She asked who is this?."

Her mom said " Iam Ranjeev's mother. We got a request from your daughter's profile."

Her mom smiled and said " Yeah"

His mom continues " In our house we all like your daughter. Is your family like my son?."

Her mom don't know what to say then she said " We checked your son profile. It seems like a Nice guy. But please give us sometime I will call you sooner after discussing with my family."

His mom said " Okay. We will be waiting for your call."

Her mom said " Okay."

In Andril House,

 Her mom started to think about Ranjeev and his family.

She went to her husband and talked like "  Ranjeev's mom calls me  and she asked Do we like his son and his family and she said In her house everybody like Andril."

Her husband nodded.

She continues " Why don't we choose this boy for Andril?. I know that he doesn't have own house. But we are also not have a own house right?. And it seems his family really like our daughter. So , I think it's a good family for our daughter."

Her father also agreed and he said " Yeah as long as I investigated it seems like they are good family. So let us give our daughter to that family. Wait, does Andril will say okay for this marriage?."

She said " Leave it to me. I will take care of that."

Her husband said " Okay. But don't torture or force her."

She nodded.

Andril p.o.v.,

Evening, I arrived home. My brother ran fast and said to me " Mom and dad are okay selected that boy for you. She is going to talk to you today. So be ready."

I was shocked and shouted at my mom " How can select a boy without discussing with me?. You should ask permission from me. I am the one who is going to live with him."

She said " Andril, it seems like a nice guy and nice family. He is looking good and earning decent salary. His character is also good. Then what is needed more than this.?"

" Mom it doen't matter how he looks. First I should like him then only I can live with him." I shouted

She said " I understood that but all of his family members likes you. "

I asked " So what?. You think I should marry him because his family member likes me?. And one second what about him?. Whether he also likes me or his family like me because of that he also likes me?."

My mom said " Andril shut up."

I opened my mouth but my dad came and said in a harsh voice " Andril we choosen him for you and you are going to marry him. No more words and arguments hereafter."

Then he said to my mom " Go and call his family and say that we all are agree with this alliance and let us decide all the other things."

I become so upset and went inside my room and I was so frustated.

Ranjeev p.o.v.,

Mom mom seems so much happy. I asked her what happened?. She said " Andril family says they agree to marry our son to their daughter."

I was shocked and thinking how is that possible?. I think I want to talk to her now.

( Guys, do you think what Andril's parent are doing is right or wrong?. Will Andril marry Ranjeev?. Will Ranjeev talk to Andril tomorrow?. Do comment your guesses. Let's us see in The Next Chapter....)

I Hope You like Reading this Story....

Let's meet in The Next Chapter....

Take Care. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

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