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Andril was heading to the company. Before that Ranjeev confess his love towards Meera and Meera rejected Ranjeev and hurted him with his Profession. After Ranjeev was crying in the staircase where Andril came and she got slipped. Tears from his eyes falls on Ranjeev face. Then he is helping with finding her airpods.

Andril p.o.v.,

I was searching for my airpods. But I got a call from Meghna. She asked me to come faster. Then I told him " Thank you for helping me. But I have an important meeting. So I am leaving now. And don't search for it. Just leave it. While I finish meeting I will come and search."

He nodded. Then I ran towards the lift and went up to the floor. After our meeting got over. And coming out of the room and I saw him packing all his things in the bag. I felt like to talk to him but I didn't . I walk away from that place. Then we drove to the office. 

Ranjeev p.o.v.,

I saw she ran towards the lift and get inside the elevator. So I moved from the place. I was heart broken and also on otherside she makes me to feel ashame of my work which I hate the most. Then I finished my work and packing all the things. I went down and saw her she is starting her Scotty. Then I found her airpods are in the corner of the wall. I took and ran towards her but she drove outside of the company. 

After I was starting the bike. My friend Kiran came and asked me " What happened Ranjeev?. Did you confess to her?. What she said?."

I said " Leave me alone da."

He said " No. Tell me what happened?."

I said " Kiran don't irritate me. I already having headache. Then why you are blocking me?."

" Are you going to tell me or not?." he asked.

I said " She said no and she didn't see me in that way. She shares everything by thinking me as her friend. Nothing more than that."

He said " Oh okok. But you should try again and make her to fall in love right. I think she don't have feeling for you. But if you try means she will fall for you."

I said " Leave it da. I don't want to try. Let me go home now."

" Hey stop da. I am talking to you know. Why you are listenting to me?." he said

I said " We will discuss about this matter tomorrow Kiran."

He said " No tell me now."

Then I got angry and shouted as " She said I am not equal to her and she told me that I am just an electrician. She is a started her Own Bussiness. Is this enough for you."

After I pushed him aside and started my bike and driven faster. I went to my house took a bath and eat and went to sleep. But her words was going on lingering in my mind.

Andril p.o.v.,

One month went, Now me and my family are getting ready to attend the wedding. Me and my younger brother are coming in Scotty and My mom and dad are coming in bike. We reached the marriage hall. After interacting with some of the relatives we all went to take photo and went to eat. After finish eating me and my some of the relatives sat with my mom and they started to talking about my marriage.

One Aunt is saying there is a boy who is now working in IT and earing in Lakhs and the other said there is a boy who is working in a company earning 35,000 per month but he is having own house and 2 acres of land. Another aunt started talking about someone. I got freed up and stood to leave the place. But my mom hold my hand and asked to sit.

I sat there and listened to all of their talks. After we returned to house and asked my mom " Why you are you listening to all those things?."

" Andril, be quiet. I know what is good for you or not." my mom said and went inside the kitchen and I don't have any energy to argue with my mom. So I went and slept.

Morning I was getting ready for work. I overheard my mom was talking with my dad about a boy who is earning 35,000 per month and teetotaler. He didn't have own house. But he looks good and also looks like a good guy. Why don't we talk about him with Andril.

My father was silent for few minutes and said " Yeah. He looks good and earns decent amount. Wait I will go and investigate about him today and then I will tell after we will discuss about him with her."

Then I hear my mom's foot steps . I suddenly went back and took my bag and get out of my house. 

I came to office and said to Meghna that my parents are seriously looking an alliance for me. I hear that my dad is going to investigate one boy about him and his family background.

Meghna asked " Are you serious?."

I said " Yes. I hear their conversation."

Then I was sad about getting married and started my work.

Ranjeev p.o.v.,

After finishing my work I returned to home. My mom said that "we saw one girl for you. Come and take a look of her."

I said "Mom, I am just an electrician who is willing to marry me.?."

My mom said " No da. See I got request from this girl profile."

I said " You are just kidding right."

She said " No Ranjeev . Come and see her profile."

I went and saw " She was that girl whom I saw her in Meera's company and I was shocked by seeing a request from her."

( Guys, what do you think will Ranjeev accept her request?. Will Andril and Ranjeev feel okay to marry eachother. Is Andril will accept Ranjeev?. Do comment. Let's discuss in The Next Chapter....)

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Let's meet in The Next Chapter....

Take Care. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

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