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Ranjeev asked Andril to go out and she said okay . Let's see what will going to happen.

Ranjeev p.o.v.,

I was happy that Andril agreed to come with me.

Next day Morning,

I woke up when I turn and see Andril was not there. I looked at the bathroom it was opened. I thought she will be in Kitchen. So, I brushed and bathed. I ironed my shirit and wore it and I nearly finished half bottle of perfume. Because today Me and Andril was going out. So I was excited. Everytime my mind was in the state to impress her. I was humming my favorite song and come out of my room to eat breakfast with her. 

I sat on the dinning table and called Andril. My mom came and said " Ranjeev, Andril went to office. You don't know that?."

I was sad while hearing that. I asked my mom in a trumbled voice " When she gone to her office?."

She said " I think she gone to her office at 8am itself."

I said " Oh okay Mom. But she didn't told me."

She said " Yeah. She said there was an urgent work which is pending in the office and her manager asked her to submit by today. So she went hurry burry."

My face become dull.' why Andril didn't me about this. She knows that we both were planning to go out today. Only 2 days are over from our marriage. She said that she took one week leave . I think she would send me message.'

Then by thinking like this I went to my room and took my mobile and saw she didn't put any message. The best part in that her last seen was yesterday 9pm. I was so sad. And I throw my mobile in the bed. I lied down. My heart was broken. After I changed my dress and I greeted my mom and left the house to my work.

I went inside the company. I was sad and placed my things inside the cupboard. That time Kiran come and asked me " Only 2 days got over why you came to work?. Are you mooron?. What your wife will think?. She must feel very bad about your behaviour right?."

After hearing that I really got very angry and shouted at him " Kiran will you please stop it. You know what happened?. Yesterday we both were planned to go out . But before I woke up she went to her office to complete her Important pending work."

Kiran was silent and hugged me " Don't worry da. It's an arrange marriage right?. So it may take some time for her to understand you. Untill give her some space." he said 

I was calm down and nodded my head but I was hurt by her action. Then we both continued our work. I was going on looking at my mobile whether she will put any message. But the whole day she didn't texted me. 

It become 8pm. Before going home I called my mom and said " Mom, I am coming Home. I also asked What Andril is doing?."

My mom said " That she didn't reached home yet. I think she still at the Office."

Why she didn't reached home yet I thought and said to my that " Okay Mom. She might be busy. I coming home now".

Then I Switch ON my bike and thought why she didn't reached home yet. After I decided to go to her office. I slowly drive my bike and standing at the entrance gate of her office. I saw her Scooty is still there. So, I was waiting outside.

She came out at 9:30pm. She didn't see me. When she came out of the gate. I make a horn noise. She turned and looked at me. She was shocked to see me.

She get down from her bike and came near to me and asked " Why?. What are you doing here, Ranjeev?."

I said " I was waiting for you."

She asked " But why?."

I said " I am Your Husband Andril. I called to the house. My mom said you are not arrived at home yet. It was late as well. So I decided to come ad pick you up."

She said " I understand. But if you made a call to me means I would have told you when I am going to leave my office. You don't need to wait for me right?."

I said " From morning , you didn't put a single message to me. So, I thought you might be busy and I don't want to disturb you."

She nodded and said " Ranjeev, I am Sorry. I didn't do anything intensionally. I was busy the whole day. That's why?."

I nodded and said " Let's go Home Now."

She said " Okay." She was driving her scooty before me and I was following her. Suddenly on the main road she stopped her scooty and turned at me. 

There was no vehicle at that time otherwise it will create a big traffic jam. I drove my bike and stand beside her and I asked " What happened Andril?."

She said " Ranjeev, Yesterday you asked me to come out with you right?. I completely forgot about that. I am really Sorry."

I smiled and asked her " Now only you are remembered about our plan?. It's okay and also It's not okay Andril."

She said " Sorry Ranjeev. It was an important work at office. So I didn't remember Our Plan. Shall we go to any hotel now to have Our dinner?. I am sponsoring."

I said " Yes we can go. But you don't need to sponsor. I will take care of it."

She said " No, it's on me. I am helping you. Why there always boys has to pay?. Why not girls?."

I said " Okay."

After 5 minutes of drive. We find out one hotel and it was almost 9:45pm. The hotel was going to close now.But there were few customers . We both went inside and she ordered Veg Fried Rice. I ordered Masala Dosa. They said " Sorry madam. We are about to close now. And there is no Veg fried rice. And sir, there is only two masala dosa is left . Will you both manage by eating that."

We both looked at eachother and there is no hotel on the way as well. So we said " Okay."

We both talking for few minutes. The food arrived. We both shared and finished eating. She paid the bill. And I like it when me and her share one plate of Dosa. But I didn't expressed to her.

After we came out and started our ride to Home.

( Guys, Do you think what Andril did was right?.  Are you all okay how Ranjeev handle this situation?. Do comment. Let's see what will happen in The Next Chapter....)

I hope you all like reading this story....

Let's meet in The Next Chapter....

Take Care. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

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