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Andril was worried about their parents behaviour about her marriage life. She don't want to get marry now. Otherside Ranjeev was happy by texting to Meera and he went a date with after not seeing her for a week.

Andril p.o.v.,

After a week full of planning and scheduling the work. Me and My team members decided to meet the clients. TL asked me to lead the group. So I did all the paper works and file all the documents in order. Then I asked Meghna to come with me to meet the clients.

Me and Meghna took the bike and was driving to company . We lost in a way and then we asked nearby people and find out the company and parked our vehicle. That time Client's manager called us and urgently asked to handover the documents to them. She said okay. When we started to move my dupata was stuck in my Scooty and I can't take it. But we need to handover the document because the meeting is about to start. We planned to come early but we lost in a way due to that we both are delayed for the meeting.

Then I asked Meghna to go first I will come within 5 minutes. After struggling for few minutes I took my dupata from the scooty and running towards lift. Just a second the lift got closed and moving to the 30th floor. I am in underground. If I wait for the lift to come down it will take much time. So I decided to go in the staircase. And I was stepping in the staircase very fast.

Ranjeev p.o.v.,

I was so much happy. Because I am spending lot of times with her. We are going out whenever we are having a free time and she is sharing so much thing about her. I was happy listening to her. After a week I finally decided to confess her today. Because I had only one week left. I dressed very neatly and practiced what should I say to her . I practiced it for numerous time. I drove my bike and parked . Then while I was walking I told myself 'to be cool and don't get nervous, you practiced very nicely. So tell her today.'

I went inside her office and I knocked her cabin. She asked to "come in. After she asked Hey Ranjeev why you are knocking. You can come in without knocking right?."

Then I was little bit nervous and smiled at her and I was going on moving my body. She asked me " What happened to you?."

I said " I want to tell you something."

She said " Go ahead."

I was literally forgot what I practiced and my mouth is stumbling and my ands and leg are shaking. I am sweating as well. She looked at me " What happened to you?. Why your sweating so much?. Are you not feeling well?. Shall we go to hospital?."

I said " No no need. And I hold her hand and stopped her and said Meera I don't know how to say and I practiced but I almost forgot what to say. So to put it simple, Meera I am in love with you."

She was shocked and asked me " What are you telling Ranjeev?."

I said " I am in love with you not from these few days. But from our College. I didn't get a chance in College to confess to you but see after these many years I again saw you and we both working together here and you are sharing all your activites and personal things with me. So I decided to tell you that I am in love with you."

She took my hands off from her hand . Then she said " Sorry Ranjeev. I am not in love with you. I know I am sharing all the things it's because I thought you as my friend and I don't have any feeling towards you. And I don't know you may take these all in this sense. I am sorry. And one thing I want to tell you clearly is that we are not working together . You are just an electrician to my company. I started My Own Bussiness. So don't think that we are equal."

After hearing that I was completely shocked and I don't have any words to say. I was standing still/ Then she said " Will you please go out because I am having an important meeting. I am already running out of time."

She murmurred " Such a stupid " and hit my shoulder with her shoulder and left her cabin. I was totally shocked I don't know what to speak . I was completely blank. Then I slowly come out of her cabin and I stepped into the staircase and after stepping down one floor. I sat on the steps and started to cry because I couldn't control my tears.

Andril p.o.v.,

I was quickly stepping on the staircase and I don't know how much steps I have to claim. It was going like a never ending tunnel. I was going on fast on the steps.

Ranjeev p.o.v.,

While I was sitting and crying I hear someone footsteps. And I think that person is claiming the steps very fast. So I stood up and turned to the opposite direction( Facing the steps upwards). 

Andril p.o.v.,

While I was claiming I saw a Man who is standing. I was about to call him to know where Meera's company is?. I called " Excuse me." Then without balance I suddenly about to fall.

Suddenly he turned and hold my left hand with his right hand and hold my hip with his left hand . We both are not in a balanced state. We both turn around and my bag fall in the basement. By seeing and I turned and saw his face. Tears from his eyes fall on my face because he is holding me like a dance move where is up and the heroine is in his hand like that our posture is.

Then we suddenly moved. I wipped his tears on my face with my hand and then he suddenly turned around and wipped his tears . I then asked him " Excuse me. Do you know where Meera's company is?. She rencently opened her company?."

He nodded and said " It on the next floor." He was not looking at my face and I don't want to make him to feel awkard. Then I stepped on and he was stepping down. Then I remembered I dropped my bag. So I was stepping down quicker . By seeing me he said " Excuse me. You have to go one floor upstairs not downstairs. "

I said " In know. But I dropped my handbag and I am going to pick that up now."

He nodded. Then I quickly come down and took my bag. While checking my bag I saw My airpods gone somehwere. I was searching.

He then came and asked me " What are you doing?."

I said " I lost my airpods. While I ma parking my bike it was in my handbag. But now its not in my bag. So, I think when my bag fallen down right, then it might came out of my bag and would have fallen here."

He nodded and he also helping me searching my airpods.

(Guys, Do you think what Meera done is good?. Is it okay to make someone to feel insecure or low based on their work?. What is the best way to handle a breakup?.Do comment. Let's see in The Next Chapter....)

I Hope You like Reading This Story....

Let us see in The Next Chapter....

Take Care. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

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