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Andril didn't reach the home. So Ranjeev was worried and he found out that she didn't went to her family or friends house. Ranjeev went and look for Andril and that time he got a message from Andril and he went to look for her. That time there was one girl who is sitting and he is wishing that should be Andril.

Ranjeev p.o.v.,

I put my bike and walking near to her. I was wishing that should be Andril. I was worried and that girl was talking with an Old lady who is sitting opposite to her. That grandma seen me when I am coming near to her. And that girl turned.

When she turned it MY WIFE ANDRIL. I was worried , relaxed and My Heart is bumping fast at the same time, Tears were flowing from my eyes. When Andril saw me, she quickly stood up and ran towards me. I ran towards her and Hugged her very tightly and she also started to cry. I hugged her very tightly and tightly.

I kissed her forehead and I can't stand anymore. I sat on the land and she also sat with me. I asked her " What Happened Andril?. I was worried. I don't know where you are. Do you know how much I am worried. "

She said " After I drop my clients I was coming to our house but the way got blocked because they are started to do some construction work. That's why I took an another route but after sometime I found out that I am lost. I tried to call you but there is no network and after I sent a text to you."

I hugged her very tightly and said " Andril, don't get lost hereafter. If you are facing any situation at anytime, at anywhere you can call me and I will come for you. Because You are My Wife and is My duty to protect you as a Husband. I know that you can handle anything by yourself. But let me allow to Protect you."

She was touched by my words and hugged me very hardly. It was so dark and there is no petrol in my bike. The grandma and grandpa who is living there ask us to spend the night in their house and go to our house by morning.

Even I thought that was a good idea. I said " Andril, morning I will take your Scotty to get the petrol for my bike and then we both can leave here together."

She said " Okay."

I said " Andril, I need to inform our family. That I found You."

She nodded and went inside the house to help the grandma. Grandma ask us to take a guest room to stay tonight. They cooked for us and we both had our dinner and it was very tasty. Grandma asked " how long have you been married?."

She said " Now only Just 3 Months grandma."

She smiled and said " Oh....You are Young birds."

We both see eachother and smiled. She said " Enjoy your life as much as you can in this stage of life because this time won't come twice."

I asked her " How you both living alone in this area?."

Grandpa said " Who is living alone. My lovable Wife is here with me and we are enjoying our life by thinking about our happy memories when we both were young Couples like you."

Andril smiled and asked " How was your married life?."

Grandpa said " She is Everything to me and we both lived a very Remarkable and Memorable life for Us. It doesn't mean we don't fight, argue but we both solve it very soonly and get back to eachother. 

I know that She Can't Live without Me and I can't Live without Her. That solve most of the problems."

I put my arms around Andril shoulder and look at her eyes. She also looked me and we both were looking at eachother for few minutes. Suddenly the grandpa and grandma giggles and ask us to go and sleep, let's talk in the morning.

We said " Okay. Good night...." and went inside the room.

I lyied down in the bed and she took water and place it in the table and come and lyied next to me.  We both were silent and I asked her " How your meeting went today?."

She said " Yeah....It's so good. I think that client will give this project to our company."

I said " Super...."

Then I asked may I ask you one thing?. Shesaid " Ask."

" Andril, shall we also live that Grandpa and Grandma?. Till the very last."I asked

She looked at me and said " Why not?. We will also live like them."

I smiled and our fingers in the legs slowly touched. I looked at her eyes very deeply and she was nervous. I move closer to her and touched her hand. Then I move my hand to her face. I toucher her lips with my fingers. She was looking at me. I came closer to her where I can feel her breathe on my face. Then I slowly move towards her and through my lips I touched her lips very slowly and gave a kiss and after I looked at her . She was closing her eyes very tightly because of nervous. I hold her face and again kissed her upper lip slowly and I came to lower lip and I kissed her for 2 minutes continously.

Then I came back and she opened her eyes and blushed while looking at me and I smiled. I said " I want to kiss again on your Lips. Because it was So Tasty."

She pushed me away with a blushing smile and turn that side and slept. I hugged her from the back very tightly and we both slept

( Guys, I am really Sorry....That I can't update the story regularly because I was quite busy with some stuffs. But Hereafter like this won't happen. Either you will get regular update or in  an alternative days. Thank You for maintaing Your Patience and I am Sorry for making you wait. Continue to read this story. It has some amazing twists and turns and also with Love, Romance....)

( Guys, Can you feel the emotion how Ranjeev would have felt while seeing Andril?. Do you have anykind of experience like this in your life?. Do comment. Let's see what will happen in The Next Chapter Tomorrow....)

I hope you like reading this story....

Let's meet in The Next Chapter....

Take Care. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

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