Chapter 11

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Ian's pov,
I'm so happy for yesterday. I know she loves me a lot but still I'm afraid that if she ignores me like my parents. So I'm not letting her go.

After taking a shower I went to the room then I heard her talking to someone in her call,
Okk I will talk to him.

What do you want to talk to me?

I-Ian I want to talk to you about something.

Okk then let's start I'm ready.

Zara's thought,
Oh God whenever I said that he always took it easily but why today he is looking drop-dead serious.

I will tell you after our lunch I'm hungry.

Don't worry baby just stay here and I will make our lunch and come to you with our lunch.(with that he went out from the room)

She slowly walked by holding the wall then tried to come to the kitchen to accompany her husband but as she was coming from the stairs she tripped but can't hold anything as she was weak due to last night. But as she was about to fall someone hold her tightly and that someone is her husband.

 But as she was about to fall someone hold her tightly and that someone is her husband

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Imagine like this.

They stared at eachother. Here he was busy in her and there she is thinking how he saved her carefully which shows in his eyes and she remembered about their seperation for 2 freaking years.but she controlled her emotions.

Then he slowly kiss her,which turned into a rough yet passionate kiss.

Umm mmmm

What?(he said in the middle of the kiss)

I'm hungry

Oh sorry let's eat now.

Time skip after lunch,

So what you want to talk baby,

Umm Ian I want to talk about you

You know me baby

I know but I want to know about your childhood

(After hearing his childhood he looks like he saw a ghost)

Why all of a sudden

Listen I want to talk to you clearly. So I love you from my whole heart and I also know that you do the same so. But the way you are acting nowadays it's truly shows that you are not normal. You even started hating your own son.

But he is taking you away from me

Shut up okay. He is your son. We made love so he came he has no fault in it. He is such a how can you say that. I know when you were a baby your parents were busy to give you a better future.i also know you nanny's torture and most importantly your granny's death. So it impacts on your brain but it doesn't mean you will do the same to your son.

Sorry I didn't thought about it. But how do you know about all of this. Your parents told me.

They said so that means they gives me a little importance.

No not little. Actually they loves you a lot.

No they not if they ever loved me then they never leave me to that nanny. You know how she tortured me😢.

I know but on that time they didn't knew and also they said to me that they regret a lot about it later but granny's sudden death and your mentally unstable thing makes them terrified so they never told you about it. And one more thing Ian we all have to go away from this world. So your granny's death is not your or your parents fault but it is a natural process. But it doesn't mean I will leave you i  will always with you.


Yes promise.

But mom and dad told me that you used to go for checkup

Yes but now after with you I am normal.
You are my medicine.

I know but am I really. If I am really your medicine then you won't feel jealous of your own son. I also agree that you are possessive but last time you were going to kill you own son. Am I wrong.

No but what I will do. I don't want to hurt our son

You parents consulted your old psychiatrist and he want to admit you for two years.

(He became silent and then Said)

Okk I will and I will come after becoming a new person. I promise.

I don't want to leave you alone there but I want to give you a better life like your parents so don't get me wrong and I will wait for you.


I understand and I will make you feel proud of me. I promise.




Let's see how she spends her life without him for two years and also see if he really went to the mental hospital or not.

I'm sorry for late update because of my exam.

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