chapter 16

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In the hospital,

Doctor is she okay

She is but her leg injury is deep. I mean the person beat her crazily so now for a week she can't able to walk.

After hearing this,
His blood started boiling due to anger.

When she will wake up

Due to the high dose tablets she will probably wake tomorrow.

Okay. (With that she left)

In the home,
How she is son.

Now she is okay but she had a severe leg injury.

Oh my god my baby.

Cora take her to my room

Okk sir. (Cora is one of their maid)

Umm so I talked to the police and ordered them to give us that piece of shit. And they did. I told my guards to take him to your place.

Good. Now I'm going to treat him the way he treated my girl

At his place,

So how are you feeling now,you loser

You, I will take your place and will f**k you wife infront of you.

After hearing this his blood started boiling in anger and then he took a knife.

He forcefully took out his tongue and cut it with the help of the knife.

Then he said,

What do you think yourself?

You know what all the powerful mafia and me the mafia king,we all are doing this shitty work to free the world from you.

When you started drug smuggling I didn't said anything because it's people's just doing your job so it's okay for me but when you started kidnapping those young and little girl for your illegal activities then we started making a plan to remove your from being a mafia king.
Now today I will punish you the way you tortured my wife and other person.

🚫 Violent activities ahead 🚫

At first he slapped him harshly then he took a iron rod and started beating his legs mercilessly just the way the previous mafia king did with her wife. Then he started beating his hand as the previous mafia king beat her wife wi his hand so as a revenge he also started beating his hands.

After that he took out his instruments and started peeling his skin because he(means the previous mafia king) had a business of girls, where he kidnapped them. Then forcefully r**e them, used them as a slave and when they had enough fun of those girls then they peeled their skin and took out all their organs and sold them illegally.

After peeling his skin Ian leaved from the torture room and told the guards just to see not to do anything till he die. Then just to clean the place ofcourse.

After that he got a call,


She woke up

What,just stay there I'm coming

With that he leaved from that place,

How is she?

She is talking with your mom

Okay I'm going to her.

In the hospital room,


How are you feeling now

Good but my legs are paining. And you know he said you took his position. So he was trying to kill me. But not only you but also your father was the wealthiest business tycoon before you. So when did you took his position.

He forgot to breathe after hearing her question.

Um we always the wealthiest business tycoon but about him, he always tried to take our position but can't so as a revenge he did this. And I'm sorry because for me you have to accept this much torture.

Then they started looking at each other deeply.

Mrs Williams started coughing fake and said,

Um I think I should go.

Yeah mom you should (he said shamelessly looking at his wife. His mother leaved while smiling at her teasingly. And she became a red tomato ofcourse because of his shameless talk and stare and her mother in law's teasing smile.)

Umm do you want to say something?



I love you,I love you,I love you.....(after saying the same thing again and again he started crying)

Hey why are you crying. See I'm all fine and all yours.

You know it's hurt to see when someone touch you and beat you. 😭(He said with his puffy eyes)

After seeing him crying she felt like someone stabbed her chest. So she just hold his hand and pull him towards her and kissed him on his lips, which makes him startled but in a couple seconds started kissing her back.then ofcourse someone will came to interrupt them.

A nurse came and started checking her.

Doctor when she will able to go home.

She is recovering but you know about her injury so she can't walk and as a result we will discharging her after 10 days.

Why 10 days

If she can't walk then how will she go and moreover I ask her if she is comfortable in wheelchair but she said she will never sit on a wheelchair so...

It's ok it's my duty about her walk you don't have to think about it and discharge her as soon as possible.

Okay sir.

After 2 days she got discharged.

It's time to go.

Yes mom but how will I walk.(she said looking at her leg)

Who said you will walk?


Then he came to her and carried her in a bridal style.

Hey what are you doing? Everyone is watching us.

So ,let them watch. And from now on I will carry till you completely cure.


No more today, I will update as soon as possible.  And now the story is going to end so pls vote, comment and share it to your friends if you like my story. And if you like to read this kinds of stories then follow my account.

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