Chapter 17

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Zara's thought,

OMG everyone is watching us. I can't digest it why he have to carry me. I know I don't want to use wheel chair but it doesn't mean he will carry me in bridal style. And those stares uff

Ian please everyone is watching (she again repeated)

Can't you shut your mouth, and if you can't then I will kiss you in front of everyone.

Hey no

Decision is yours.

Zara's thought,

I should shut my mouth because already people are watching us and if I talk then I am sure he will kiss me. Oh God please save me from this man I don't know what he will do in the future.

No one can't save you from me. Even God can't. And about future I also don't know what I will do with you.

With that he leaved from the hospital by carrying her. And he sat on the car by carrying her in his lap.

Hey I can sit th-

What did I said there if you speak then I will kiss you in front of everyone.

Her thoughts,

I should not said anything because driver uncle is also here.

While driving towards their house Ian saw an ice-cream parlour

Baby do you want some ice-cream

She was about to say yes but didn't because she remembered once he said to her to shut up so she thought to play with him and didn't said anything.

Baby say something


Bay why are you sile-(you know our Ian's intelligence. And he caught her playing with him.)

Oh so my baby is playing with me. Okay then let's play. As you are silent not answering my questions then I will tell the driver not to drive until answer my questions.

But she didn't take his words seriously and keep playing with him.

But suddenly signal changed and all the cars after them started horn. And she noticed but thought if she answered him then he will again win. So she thought it's not his private place so he can't stop his car in the a middle of the road. But soon her assumption gone wrong when he saw the other cars went beside them avoiding their car. She understood that her husband is not a normal person. He is the richest man in the country. So ofcourse everyone will respect him.

Okay okay I defeated and you win.

And my reward

Huh what reward

I know that you know my thinking

Umm m-my legs are paining so for now I can't and yes I want to eat ice-cream.

Okk my lady

With that he came with my red velvet and his macha flavoured ice cream

With that he came with my red velvet and his macha flavoured ice cream

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