Chapter 8

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After 1 year,

Now they have a beautiful son named zain.
Everything is going well but there is one thing which make her tensed is her husband.

Yes Zara knew that his husband is protective towards her but now he can't accept her wife and his son together but  his son is a little baby so he needs her mother and we know that at night all baby wants their whenever Zara lull her baby to sleep Ian told her that he needs her(you know what I mean 😉)but can't get what he want so he became angry and forced her.somehow she managed her baby and hubby everyday but now she is tired of that because after their baby she strictly told her hubby that she can't quit her job so he agreed with her but now she can't manage her job,baby and husband so she told him about it as result he told her to give their baby for sometime to his parents but now she believed that he is not a normal person like us so she thought tomorrow she will go to his parents.


Zara baby how are you,son and my granddaughter.

They are all good but I have something to ask you.can father join us .

Ofcourse wait I will call him.

Discussion time,

She told them everything.

We know about it but we thought he changed after you though it's true but indirectly not.

What do you mean,

Actually when he was 10 years old he his grandmother died and on that time me,dad and my wife was always busy with works and hired a babysitter to look over him but she was actually a psycho she tortured my son but he didn't said to us because we were always on other countries for our day my wife saw a burned spot on his back she asked him and he told her everything and we became shocked and kicked her out from our house, from that time we lost our bubbly baby because from there he never smiled just study and study then after completing his studies he started to work in our company and became a workaholic person.But when he told us that he loved you we became happy but then you know but still he managed to make you his.

I'm sorry uncle I didn't knew about it.but why he is behaving like a psycho.

Actually when we were young we can't give him time the time he deserve. But you managed everything so he doesn't want to lose you and he thought his and your son will make you two away from each other so he is behaving like this.

Then what should I do.

Take him somewhere, where you and he will be alone.and we will take care of your son.

Okk dad.

Time skip at home,
Baby I am feeling bored can we go somewhere,where you and I will be alone.



Okk then don't worry I'm postponing some of my meeting and some other will be taken care by my friends so don't worry okay.

Okk I already cancelled everything.

Great but our baby will be coming?

No i talked with my in laws and they will took care of him.

Okay then let's go,


Let's see what will be happen,why she accepted to do a couple trip and will he ever be normal.

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