∣ 002; b l u e s k i e s

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After John Egan dropped her off at the medical area of Thorpe Abbots, Eloise made her way to the main section where they treated all the injured men— she knew there had to be someone there who could tell her exactly what it was she needed to do, and when she'd need to start doing it.

She maneuvered around trays of medical supplies, keeping her eyes away from the groaning men— she was set on the nurse feet away from her, a man wearing all white, talking with one of the patients.

Her strides quickened, and she stopped a few feet from the two men, waiting for the conversation to end so she could slip herself in.

She needed to know what she was doing here— she may have been transferred here to be a Flight Nurse, but if Colonel Niel Harding said otherwise, there was not much she could do about it.

"Can I help you?" The man said, turning on his feet with a grim face as he gazed at Eloise.

"Yes, sir," she responded. "I just got in today, moments ago— Eloise Barlowe."

His eyes widen a fraction, and he nods, "Yes, of course— we were told you were coming. Our first Flight Nurse, correct?"

"Yes, sir," she answers, "I was actually wanting to ask about that— do you know if I'm still going up there? I haven't heard anything since I was told a few days ago, and I just wanted to know if it has changed."

The man frowned, picked up his clipboard, and scanned the paper clipped to it before answering, "Not that I know of— still says up here you'll be going up there on the next mission. As of now, I'll have Nurse Jenkins escort you to the sleeping quarters, where you can get situated. After, come back and help out with the men— they just returned from a mission a few days ago, and it was brutal. We lost 30 of the guys, and multiple men were injured."

"Of course," Eloise answered, turning around to see a woman who looked to be around her age.

She was blond with dark green eyes and freckles littering her face— she had a sweet smile and looked almost angelic in the sunlight.

She extended her hand to Eloise, "Hi! I'm Lillian Jenkins."

Shaking her hand, Eloise responded, "Eloise Barlowe."

"Oh, I know."

Eloise frowned, hand dropping, as her head tilted a fraction while she looked at Lillian with a questioning gaze.


"You're a bit of a celebrity around here already— we've heard everything about you. We got your notes and looked over them with a few of the injured guys. Some of them already called dibs on having you in their plane when they're back up there— they've been telling their guys about you, too."

"What are you talking about?" Eloise asked as she followed closely after Lillian, who left the hospital wing, beginning the trek to the sleeping quarters.

"We got sent your records. 29 missions up there! And you've saved 32 men in the air fights— 78 if you count when you were on the ground in the actual hospital wing. Let me tell you, Eloise, a lot of the guys are excited you're here— it's been getting depressing. Not a lot of hope anymore."

"Yeah, but I'm just— "

"And you managed to keep a guy alive after he got shot in the head? We've been wondering how you did that!"

"Wait, so they sent you all this?"

Humming, Lillian nodded, "Yep— they typically do. We get records of all our new nurses, whether they are transferred or just being brought in. Anyway, how'd you save the guy with the headshot wound?"

𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐩𝐞 - j.egan [masters of the air]Where stories live. Discover now