∣ 009; p r e t t y h a i r

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John Egan found Eloise hours later, around midnight— the woman was clinging onto Lillian, the two girls laughing loudly over something Nash and Heath had done. The four of them were huddled in a corner with drinks in their hands and chatter lingering in the air.

Upon seeing John Egan making his way over to the group, Eloise's features lit up.

She released her grip on Lillian and set her glass on the table they were situated at, standing from her spot and moving over to the man— she snaked her hands around his shoulders, the biggest of grins on her face as she stared up at his dark curls, her light brown eyes tinted with delight.

"We were just talking about you, Bucky," she smiled at him, her words slurred.

"Were you?" he asked with an amused smirk on his face, the corners of his lips twitching to break out into a smile as his hands went to rest on Eloise's lower back.

"Mhmm," she nodded. "You shoulda' been there. It was great."

Lillian shook her head, the southern drawl in her tone much more apparent with the amount of alcohol in her system, "No— we were talkin' about Buck."


"Yes— he's the one with the pretty hair."

"Yeah," Eloise nodded, a frown on her face, "Bucky. Pretty hair."

"I was talkin' about Buck."

Heath frowned, leaning forward, "I thought the whole conversation was about Bucky? Major Egan?"

Nash scoffed, leaning back, "Nuh-uh, man. It was about Buck. Major Cleven."

"No, it wasn't— "

"It was, dickhead— "

Heath, huffing in annoyance, pushed Nash on the shoulder— the only problem was the young shooter was insanely drunk, throwing off any control he had over his body. He went toppling sideways off his chair, smacking to the floor with a loud groan as Lillian cackled loudly, hands going to cover her mouth as Heath turned his body away from Nash, eyes huge as he stood.

Eloise's eyes widened, an embarrassing snort of laughter escaping her as she pressed her face into John's shoulder, arms still wrapped tightly around him.

"Okay, I'm done. See y'all tomorrow," Heath told the group, slipping past Eloise and John, only breaking down into laughter when he was out of sight from Nash, who was continuing his groans, cursing at Heath, even though he was no longer there.

Lillian— still losing it with laughter— bent to help Nash up, whispering a quick comment in his ear that had him perking up and on his feet in seconds.

The two blondes, now standing close together, Nash with his arm wrapped tightly around Lillian's shoulders and Lillian with her hand gripping a chunk of the man's coat, looked at Eloise and John.

"We're leavin', El," Lillian said, eyes glimmering with mischief. "See ya later tonight?"

"Yep," Eloise nodded. When they were out of earshot, still holding on to one another, Eloise angled her lips to John's ear, her breath against his neck sending chills down his spine. "They've been going steady for a month now— they think Heath and I don't know, but we do. Heath caught them making out a few weeks ago."

"Ah, so like you and me then?"

Eloise scoffed, looking up at him, "Actually, Egan, it's been almost two weeks, so, get your facts straight. And Heath and Nash know about us— they figured it out the day we kissed, apparently. What a bunch of losers, looking into something that much."

𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐩𝐞 - j.egan [masters of the air]Where stories live. Discover now