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It was mid-June of 1947, and Eloise Egan was lounging on the couch in the living room, a book in her hands and a blanket thrown over her legs while the record player echoed soft music into the room's atmosphere.

The windows to the house were opened, the cool ocean breeze making its way through the openings and into the room Eloise was currently in, almost completely drowning out the sweet smell of the chocolate chip muffins she had just taken out of the oven for tomorrow morning.

Outside, the sun was beginning to set, the sky painted in soft pastels, and Eloise shifted on the couch, lifting her head to peer out of one of the windows, her eyes watching the beach from afar, seeing as people and families gathered up their belongings, beginning their descent from the sandy shore.

She was happy she and John had scored a house so close to the ocean.

It wasn't right on the water— only a three-minute walk away— but it had the perfect view of the sand and water, and Eloise adored it.

The two had bought the house three months after returning from England, a few weeks after John proposed to Eloise, which, of course, she had said yes to, excitement bubbling in her stomach as she threw herself into his arms, pressing as many kisses to his face as he would allow until he had officially connected their lips.

Eloise loved John's proposal; it caught her off guard when he asked her to marry him. She knew it was coming at some point, but she hadn't expected him to propose right when he did, being on the beach just outside their home.

They had finished touring the house and decided to spend some time on the beach, and as they were walking where the water and shore met, he dropped to one knee, popping the question— after that, there was no way in hell they weren't buying the house.

Eloise had even told John that, but her words had been muffled because he laughed, kissing her again before she could tell him. She didn't care one bit.

Their wedding had been a few months later; neither wanted to wait.

After everything they went through, they figured they could do whatever they wanted with their lives now, and to them, that meant getting married as quickly as they possibly could.

The ceremony was beautiful.

Buck was John's best man.

Lillian was Eloise's maid of honor— Sylvia was a bridesmaid, the only reason she wasn't the maid of honor being she was too young.

Eloise also made Heath and Nash her bridesmen.

She thought it'd be funny, and it was, seeing them in suits the same light pink color as the other bridesmaid's dresses.

John had also, unashamedly, cried when he saw Eloise walking down the aisle with her father at her side— she had looked breathtakingly beautiful, and he really didn't know how Eloise could make him fall more in love with her each time he saw her, but she always managed to do so.

Their first dance was lovely, as were the dances after with all the guests. One of them was to 'Blue Skies'— upon Buck's request to the man controlling the music— and the smiles on Eloise's and John's faces were as happy as ever, Eloise jumping excitedly in John's embrace, her arms going tighter around his shoulders as they sang the lyrics, laughter embedded in their words.

Now, the two lived comfortably in their house on the coast of Oregon, doing all the things they wished to do.

They did end up building the porch that Eloise wanted, and Eloise enjoyed the whole process— in fact, she wished it lasted longer because when John would work, he'd work shirtless, and Eloise was sure she spent more time ogling at her husband than actually contributing to building the porch.

𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐩𝐞 - j.egan [masters of the air]Where stories live. Discover now