∣ 010; c r a s h l a n d i n g

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The next morning came too quickly for Eloise's liking— everything happened too quickly for Eloise's liking.

She was woken early that morning, quickly dressing in the appropriate attire for the air, her hands shaking through the entire process of getting dressed. Eloise was terrified, every bone in her body filled with an icy dread of what could happen in the air today.

After getting dressed, Eloise walked with Lillian to get an early breakfast. It could easily be Eloise's last breakfast, which she told Lillian, but Lillian merely waved her off.

"You'll be perfectly fine. You've been up there 39 times and are still alive! You're gonna make it this time, too, and y'know what? If you make it to 40, which you will, you, me, Heath, and Nash will celebrate."

Eloise hummed, nodding while she poked at her eggs.

Lillian sighed, grabbed Eloise's hands, and forced the woman to look into her eyes.

"You'll be just fine. You're flyin' with Thompson's crew today. That means you'll have Nash and Heath with you. Trust me, El— you will be fine up there."

"I know."

"Good," Lillian nodded, dropping Eloise's hands. "Now I was thinkin' we should go down to England sometime soon. Maybe in a few weeks or something— oh! What about around Christmas time? That's only 3 more months, basically— "

"It's September, Lillian."

"Now we have somethin' to look forward to! We can go and buy gifts for our families. I'm sure Sylvia would love a candy bar from England."

Eloise smiled, quietly mumbling, "She has actually been asking me to send her one. She won't shut up about it— and I already sent her the birthday letter I wrote her."

"See! You'll be the best older sister for getting her the candy, and I'll be the best of friends for making you get it."

Scoffing, Eloise shook her head before using her hands to prop it up. Then, she nodded, "Yeah— yeah, okay. But we need to go in early December. That way, it'll get to her around Christmas or at least close to it."

Lillian grinned, "Great! Then it's settled. You and me, the beginning of December, Christmas shopping in England."

Eloise smiled weakly.

"It's a date."

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John had found Eloise before she was set to leave.

He had tugged her by the arm behind one of the buildings, his hands going to her hips as he pressed a kiss to her lips only when they were concealed from others who passed by.

"Hello to you too," Eloise spoke against his lips, pulling away for a mere second to adjust herself against him. After her arms were comfortably situated around his shoulders, Eloise lifted her head to connect their lips once more, John angling his head down to give her easier access.

"You doin' okay?" He asked her after pulling away, his chest rumbling against her own as he spoke. "You look great, by the way."

Eloise huffed out a laugh, head pressing into his shoulder as she hugged him to her.

"Thank you," she whispered. "And I'm okay."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," she hummed. "I'm good."

He looked at her with a look in his eyes that told her he knew she was lying— she bit the inside of her cheek before tilting her head back dramatically as she groaned.

𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐩𝐞 - j.egan [masters of the air]Where stories live. Discover now