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If Eloise loved one thing about being a nurse, it was that she got to meet more people that she typically wouldn't meet had she been anything else at Thorpe Abbots.

An example of this would be Bubbles and Crosby.

When Eloise had first landed at Thorpe Abbots a month ago, Bubbles was in medical for being ill, meaning Eloise was with him, making sure he was okay, with Crosby at her side talking to his best friend.

It was fun getting to know the two, and now whenever she sees them, they'll engage in conversation— it's even more fun when she's at the officer's mess and sees the two, both of them.

"How you doin' Cros? Bubbles?" Eloise asked as she walked past the two men, making her way to the medical center with Lillian to her left. "Ready for that mission tomorrow?"

Bubbles laughed, shaking Crosby's shoulders, as he spoke with his southern drawl, "Well, I won't be flyin' in it— that'll be Crosby over here."

Eloise nodded, a smile on her face, "Let's hope everything goes smoothly for ol' Crosby then, huh Bubbles?"

"Yep!" he called to Eloise, who now looked over her shoulder to see the two, "see ya soon!"

Lillian grinned as they continued walking, her head shaking as she looked up from the ground, "How is it that I've been here longer than you, yet you know everyone and are friends with half of Thorpe Abbots' population— "

"I am not, Lils— "

"You are! We've got Brady, Nash, Heath, Curt—"

"—I've talked to the man twice, Lillian— "

"—and you two hit it off! Anyway then, there's Bubbles and Crosby, of course, and Lemmons, Buck, Quinn, Babyface, Friedkin, Bucky— I mean, c'mon, El! You've got more friends than my high school had kids!"

Eloise scoffed, "Well, it's pretty easy to make friends when you're up in the air with these guys."

"That's true," Lillian nods. "I just find it odd how you have all these friends who are men, yet you have no scandalous stories to tell me!"

"I don't have the time to mingle with any of the guys. And I wouldn't want to anyway. They only see us as pieces they can get off with— I don't want that."

"It's fun."

"Not for me," Eloise sighed. "I don't want any of that— if I were to get with a guy, it'd be someone I could build something with."

Lillian frowned, "This is war, Eloise— you can't build a relationship with any of the guys here— we don't know if they'll be alive by tomorrow— "

"Exactly. That's why I'll wait until after the war is finished, where I'll find a guy who wants to settle down. Someone who really wants me instead of just my body."

"It doesn't work like that, El, and you know that."

Eloise nodded.

"I know."

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The hospital on Thorpe Abbots was mellow today. Not many injured men and the ones who were injured were healing nicely.

There weren't any groans of pain. There was no metallic smell of blood lingering in the air.

It wasn't a stressful day, which relaxed Eloise immensely, knowing tomorrow would be much different up in the air— she had a feeling deep in her gut that tomorrow wouldn't be an easy mission, though she wished she was wrong.

𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐩𝐞 - j.egan [masters of the air]Where stories live. Discover now