∣ 019; a m e r i c a n

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Eloise had always been a stubborn girl, even when she was a child.

She has also always been a tad bit dramatic.

Of course, getting shot by a gun warranted dramatic reactions.

"Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me!"

Heath let out a panicked noise as Eloise collapsed to the floor, a pained cry leaving her lips as she grabbed onto her right thigh which had been shot, two wounds beginning to bleed from the broken flesh. He surged forward, grabbed Eloise from under her arms, and dragged her into the forest— he helped her up, wrapped her right arm over his shoulder, and ran with her through the woods after Walter, Louis, and Andrew who were a couple of feet ahead of them, resting against a tree, concerned looks on their faces.

"What the fuck happened?"

"I hate guns," Eloise groaned— she turned her head at the sound of one of the shouts of the soldiers who were getting closer, surely coming to look for them, "God damn it!"

"Shh, it's fine, it's fine," Heath assured— he motioned to Walter and Andrew, "Get Louis up and get running— there's gotta be someplace we can hide around here."

"Yeah, like what, the dead grass?"

"Okay, I get you're in pain and stressed right now Eloise, but please, for the love of God, be quiet," Heath hissed, his voice frantic as the five of them tried to silently maneuver through the woods of Germany, their senses fuzzy from the adrenaline in their bodies, and their steps light to try and not step on anything that would cause a noise to alert the soldiers chasing after them.

She huffed, but nodded, tightening her grip around Heath's shoulder as she attempted to keep up with his fast steps— she attempted to run with him, her right leg hitting the ground with every other step, a terrible wave of pain shooting up the limb as her face would contort into discomfort, but still, she ran on.

Eloise pushed herself, forcing herself to run on her shot-up leg because there was truly no other choice— it was either enduring the pain of her leg for a bit longer or getting killed by the soldiers who were attempting to find them in the vast woods of Germany.

She decided she'd take the first option.

The five of them ran, their feet fast as they ran through the trees— and, as always, Eloise's eyes were scanning her surroundings. They caught sight of a hiding spot minutes into the search, relief flooding through her as the soldier's voices grew closer.

Eloise whispered urgently to Walter, Louis, and Andrew, her voice almost silent, but it successfully caught their attention.

She motioned with her head to the right, and they looked to see a small dip in the terrain. It would have been impossible to see if Eloise wasn't looking for it, especially with how dark the night was.

They exchanged looks, nodding, allowing Eloise to stumble forward and away from Heath's arms. She winced as a new wave of pain washed through her leg and up her body from putting her full weight on the injury, but she didn't care— she fell to her knees, crawling forward with the others closely behind her, and she nodded, maneuvering herself around so her feet were in front of her.

She edged to the dip, fingers digging into the dirt as her body slid down the sharp incline, completely disappearing from the view of the four boys.

They paused, and waited, only to release the breaths they were holding when Eloise's voice called up to them as quietly as she could.

"Send Louis down!"

Heath helped Walter and Andrew send Louis down, Eloise sitting at the bottom of the incline to steady him— her hands gripped his shoulder tightly, teeth gritting as his weight hit her wounded leg, but she silenced the whimper of pain that tried to escape, instead biting the inside of her cheek harshly.

𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐩𝐞 - j.egan [masters of the air]Where stories live. Discover now