∣ 008; k i s s e s

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Eloise clung to John Egan as if her life depended on it.

Her hands, the ones that were previously on his jaw, now tangled themselves in his soft locks of brown hair, gripping the strands as she pressed her entire body against his— he held her firm, his body unmoving and steady.

The moment Eloise had connected their lips, John reciprocated immediately— his hands wasted no time going to her hips, gripping the clothed skin as he tugged her closer to him, their chests so close they could feel the pounding of the other's heart.

The kiss was everything Eloise had imagined—everything she had hoped for.

She knew he was a good kisser.

Their lips moved in sync, a thick passion intertwined throughout their bodies as with each passing second they pushed themselves closer, the two of them never seeming close enough. Eloise tugged on John's hair, a sound emitting from deep in his chest, sparking a surge of heat to spread through Eloise's entire body.

John, in return, bit lightly on Eloise's bottom lip, a gasp escaping her, and John took the moment to venture down her neck, nipping at the hot skin, only stopping at the spot that brought a sweet sound from Eloise's throat.

"John—" she whispered the name, breathy, her hands going down to his face, forcing their lips to reconnect—she felt the corners of her lips twitch, attempting to force the smile away.

It was no use; her attempts were futile, her bright grin corrupting her face while a sweet laugh seeped through her lips.

"What?" He asked, his words husky as he pulled away. He examined her face, taking in the smile and the warm laugh. He couldn't help but smile himself, voice amused, "Am I really that bad?"

"Oh, yeah— absolutely horrible. Worst kisser I've ever had— my, I might need to tell your guys about this— "

John laughed, shaking his head. He connected their lips again and between the kiss, mumbled a cocky, "Liar."

"No," she hummed. "This was very disappointing."

"Was it?"

"Mhm," she answered, breathless, chasing after his lips, using her hands to tug him back to her. "I expected better."

"Oh, I'm sure."

His hands went back to her hips— he pushed her toward one of the counters, effortlessly lifting her to the smooth surface while moving to stand between her legs.

Eloise looked at him, sinking her hands from his hair back to his jaw as his hands traveled from her hips to her thighs— he was grinning with a cocky expression while he looked over every inch of her face.


"You don't look very scared."

"You're an asshole."

He laughed, squeezing the flesh of her thighs as he connected their lips once more— Eloise let him, her eyes fluttering shut, her arms going to rest over his broad shoulders, bringing the man closer to her body.

The kiss grew more heated by the second. Their bodies moved to get closer to one another, a contented sigh flowing through Eloise, her hands gripping tightly to his jacket.

The kiss would have continued if the door hadn't been swung open, Lillian making herself known.

Eloise and John sprung apart— he moved from where he stood between her, running a hand through his hair to try and fix it from the messed look it had from Eloise's grip. Eloise jumped from the counter, hand going to wipe her mouth to try and hide the swollen look it had to them from the sheer amount of kissing the two had been doing.

𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐩𝐞 - j.egan [masters of the air]Where stories live. Discover now